Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wednesday 8.7: T2b, Hspu, Burpee + Badminton

Wednesday. Emom x 21min. 1st min: 12 t2b. 2nd min: 12 hspu. 3rd min: 12 burpees. Evening. 1h badminton.

This Wednesday I had no bigger plans over the upcoming training sessions. Sure I thought about giving crossfit a shot but all of a sudden I realized it's time to go. What to do. Figured out how my body felt and listed some movements that would be alright for this body. IƤve been having a good streak with training sessions lately. Lots of sessions and good workouts to suit my current life situation. In the evening my boss texted he'd be up for a badminton play so that made it two sessions for this Wednesday.

  • Every minute on the minute x 21 minutes
  • 1st min: 12 toes-to-bar's
  • 2nd min: 12 handstand push-ups
  • 3rd min: 12 burpees
The movements were clear, the number of repetitions was not cristal clear to be honest when I hopped on the pull-up bar. After first round I thought should there be 15 t2b's or is this 12 reps enough. These emom workouts are always the same. In the beginning it's only natural that the load is fewer even though the body could smash some more. But if you're about to maintain the amount of reps throughout the workout, there's no point in writing massive amount of reps in the beginning. Time will do its trick and those 12 t2b's were definitely a right call this time for me.

I was able to go unbroken throughout the workout, and that was really the goal. Somehow hspu's may have been the "easiest" of these three elements. T2b's would have been hard to maintain the same for more rounds. I believe hspu's would have been okay for some rounds, maybe. Burpees just started to feel uncomfortable, even though it took exactly the same time each round to finish the set.


This was ex tempore kind of session. We have had great plays with my boss Tuomas this summer. Very equal games and we are at same level skill-wise which makes it much more motivating. Plus it can be counted as a training session for conditioning for sure as we both have the skills to make the other one run around the court. My play mate told his heart beat has been hovering somewhere around 180 so that may give some insight to the intensity for that 1 hour session.

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