Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday 25.5: Clean and jerk, metcon

Saturday. Clean & jerk 3-3-3 (max 80kg). Metcon, 15min amrap of power cleans, burpees and toes-to-bar. Result: 168 reps.

Met with my bro at the Box to work out. Main workout was the 15min amrap metcon. I did some clean & jerk training to begin with and Sami did some ring muscle-ups in the end. Both of us felt a bit tired entering the door but still we got a good training session.

Strength. Clean & jerk 3-3-3 (70, 75, 80kg last jerk failed). Today I felt the week's training in my body. I woke up and I felt hammered inside out. Sipa had similar feelings. That might be the reason why the barbell felt heavier on the strength part. I did 3x3 c&j with 70-80kg. On the 80kg the jerk was very heavy and on the last set my third shoulder-to-overhead failed to lock out. I'm still satisfied with the results today, haven't done many multiple reps over 70kg, usually they've been singles. At least that's the image I have. I rested a while and concentrated on the metcon.

Metcon. Result. 5 rounds and 3 T2B, total of 168 reps

  • 15min amrap of:
  • 5 power cleans (70kg)
  • 10 burpees
  • 15 toes-to-bar

Bro did this same workout with some changes. He changed cleans to bench press (80kg) and toes-to-bar to knees-to-elbows. I was thinking about the weights for a while and decided on the 70kg. My intention was to do them a power cleans, not being able to squat. That's pretty heavy for a metcon. Burpees and T2B's are classic movements that I haven't done much so I wanted to get them involved. My result was 5 total rounds, 5 cleans, 10 burpees and 3 toes-to-bar. Total of 168 reps.

Hard to say which was the most challenging part. All the movements were tough in their own nature. Power cleans were heavy and thus got to my breathing. Burpees are burpees, got to love and hate them, makes you breathe like a lunatic. T2B's are difficult to push through when you're tired, the legs won't simply come up anymore and grip starts to lose.

I did cleans unbroken for 3-4 rounds, then at least two last sets went in 2 sets (3+2), had to drop the barbell in between. Burpees were "unbroken" but the pace slowed down. Couldn't nail the toes-to-bar perfectly. On the first round I did 15 in a row, then on the second one I guess it was 2-3 attempts and from then on 3+ sets until finish. They took the most of my time, same with Sipa. The combination was as cruel as I thought. Yesterday evening this workout felt good in my mind. In the morning I realized it's gonna be sick =) But hey, it felt good! And I'm glad those cleans rolled that well.

Sipa's muscle-up on rings

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