New venue spotted for training! Kind of a cave, it's a bomb shelter below ground level that's turned in to a training center. Perfect place for olympic lifts and a lot of empty space. Also possible to combine barbells and bodyweight movements and running. We all fell in love with the place, me, Toni and Marko.
Snatches. Compare to 27.6
- 10 x (2 hang squat snatches) for quality
- Together with Pony, alternating
I'm gonna keep on doing this workout in order to keep on working on my squat snatch technique and mobility issues. It feels indescribably good to being able to even do this movement. It's a bit shaky still. At points I get good reps and some of them are wiggling. I feel like today's lifts were better than last time. We used 40kg each round and the weight was no issue this time. More like technical issues.
Hang squat snatches, Don
Hang squat snatches, Pony
Metcon. Result. 224 double unders.
- 8 min emom
- 5 deadlifts, 120kg
- Remaining minute, amrap double unders
This was a lot of work. Surprisingly 120kg started to feel heavy towards the end as it was difficult to breathe. After 2 rounds I started to understand the nature of this one. 8 rounds was the best I could have done. It would have been a nightmare to go beyond that, luckily I had wrote 8 minutes on paper beforehand. The number of double unders remained almost identical each round, 25 reps. In the first round I got 46 reps with a fresh body. The last round was 28 reps.
My technique in the deadlifts started to collapse a bit towards the end but there was no doubt the bar would come up unbroken each round. It's not that heavy anyway. But the heavy breathing made it way more difficult than normally. And it was difficult to start jumping around right after dropping the barbell.
Toni's and Marko's workouts. Toni did the same hang squat snatch set together with me. Simultaneously Marko completed his first ever deadlifts. Worked on his form, stance and bar path. After that part they did a workout together:
- 5 rounds of:
- 5 deadlifts (Toni 120kg)
- 150m run forwards
- 150m run backwards
- Toni's time was 14.22
I changed the squat snatch video, the original one was accidentally a warm-up clip =)