Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturday 16.8: Thrusters, Burpee box jumps, Double unders

Saturday. Barbell, thrusters 5x5 (max 70kg). Workout, 3rnft: 10 thrusters (40kg), 10 burpee box jumps, 50 du.

It was awesome to sleep late this Saturday, just enjoy the free day, get up slowly and eat a huge load of clean food, and then meet a friend at the gym with Pauliina. Juuso was there with us to throw down and work. My body was like it's been ran over by a little car, not a truck 'cause that would be exaggeration :) But the work put in currently feels in my body. That's why this training day was a little easier.

  • Thrusters 5-5-5-5-5 (40, 50, 60, 65, 70kg)
It's probably been over a year since doing thruster sets for strength purposes. It's likely I've done them just a few times in my life even though it seems to be a kick ass movement for strength too. In a metcon it's proven to be an effective tool but for strength it rarely sees the daylight. As I just described my body feels that it has been punished over the course of past days so my legs are sore as well as my shoulders.

So it was natural to more like have fun with the barbell and not max out. I took sets of 5 reps all the way, from light 40kg to 70kg at max. My focus was on TnG, and not rest the barbell in the front rack position while standing. Keep the bar and man moving up and down in one constant movement. I felt natural with the barbell and bar path in general. It finds its place on my shoulders every time I bring it back from straight hands. It doesn't have to look for the place, it kind of automatically lands where it is supposed to.

Another focus was on full range of motion on the squat. As I've described I intend to go ass to grass every single time I'm carrying a barbell and I'm going down. Instead of breaking on the way down, I let my butt drop down and then use my legs to push myself back up. I love this new style and I'm certain it's gonna bring the benefits along the way.

The weights were light or moderate today. The last set was 70kg but I had no problems completing the sets. The only thing was that my shoulders felt tight as they have worked pretty much lately.

  • 3 rounds, not for time of:
  • 10 thrusters, 40kg
  • 10 burpee box jumps, 61cm box
  • 50 double unders
As I had already done some thrusters I figured why not do some more, higher reps with lighter weights though, 10 reps per round. Then a newcomer, burpee box jumps. Juuso has tried to talk me over for a workout called Ship, which seems to be a new hero workout, at least I haven't seen it before. It includes squat cleans and burpee box jumps. Some day that will be in front of my face so I figured trying these in advance. And it felt much more natural compared to how I thought it would feel and look like. I found the continuous movement pattern which is crucial so you don't have to do single burpees and single box jumps. There has to be a rhythm.

The third movement was double unders. Tried them yesterday for couple of sets, and I needed to get some more so it was natural to bring it back today. There were 3 sets of 50 reps of which 2 were unbroken as I stumbled on the second one in the middle of the set. That was some sort of lack of concentration. Other than that I got them done pretty well. On the last reps on the last round my form collapsed as my shoulders got fatigued. In general, they rolled well in my opinion.

Juuso did a workout with 135kg deadlift for max reps, and then immediately after 10 burpees. This was not timed either. Good job for him with the deads! Pauliina was also ripping it, among others interval sprints tabata style, bad ass lady! She's getting more and more into crossfit workouts =)

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