Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday 8.12: Cleans, Winter War 1

Monday. Strength, clean 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1. Metcon, 10min amrap of: 30 power clean (50kg), 10 pull-ups, 30 box, 10 pull-ups, 30 du's, 10 pull-ups. Result, 190 reps.

Back at home! And back to crossfit! We arrived in the early afternoon, went home, made food and relaxed. By the way, it was freaking awesome to get back to clean food. That is something we both appreciate tremendously and even a short break of that can be felt in the body. Today as we got to our kitchen, magic happened both in the afternoon and in the evening.


  • Clean 2-2-2-2-2 (90, 92.5, 95, 97.5, 100kg)
  • Clean 1-1-1-1-1 (102.5, 105, 107.5, failed 110, failed 110kg)

This was such a short journey abroad that I only had couple of rest days. That probably wasn't that bad at all in the long run. After 1-2 week holidays barbell usually feels heavy but today that was not the case. It was great to get back to lifting stuff from the floor. There's something magical that brings comfort to my mind.

I took doubles, starting from 90kg and ascending 2.5kg after each set. I didn't want to recover that much so it was something like 90sec rest between sets. Emom would have been too much to handle but short recovery is something I prefer in workouts like these.

I'm happy on the weights being moved. I took doubles up to 100kg, and then decided to switch it to singles and go by feeling. Did the same thing and added 2.5kg on the barbell after each lift. It felt great to 107.5kg. The next lift after that was at 110kg. I was able to rack the bar in a good manner but for some reason I fell a bit forward and felt that my heels came up a little bit. It was too difficult to save the mistake so I had to drop the bar in front of me. That was a simple technical flaw so I decided to correct it on the next lift. However, that missed lift got under my skin and the next attempt was just an awkward deadlit without a proper "pull under" at all.

Recap of cleans

Metcon. Result, 190 reps. Compare to 20.12.2013

  • 10min amrap of:
  • 30 power clean, 50kg
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 30 box
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 30 double unders
  • 10 pull-ups

This is part of the qualification to Finland's "Crossfit Games", the throwdown where Finland's fittest man and woman will be crowned in February 2015. I'm not participating there but I'm hitting these workouts just for fun if they are easy to complete at our gym. This was part of the qualification last year as well so I did it back then too.

This workout is all about grip strength. The most difficult thing for me is not the breathing even though this definitely gets the heart beat up. Last year my result was 185 and I didn't know how to use hook grip. This time that saved forearms a bit but still it was an issue. Result was 190 reps. That means I finished box jumps on the second round. It would have made a huge leap in the standings if double unders would have gone in the books.


On the first round of cleans I did 5x6 reps, purely aiming to save my forearms. On the second round it was triples all the way. These were both good calls in my situation. Pull-ups were mostly 6-4 all the way. In the end there were some more cutting to pieces. Consciously I didn't go unbroken in the beginning because I thought it would kill my forearms. Box jumps got to breathing, no doubt, but they were still manageable.

I have controversial feelings on this one. I hoped to improve my result a bit more but on the other hand I kept moving on a good pace so I'm not regretting anything. 10 more pull-ups and double unders and the result would have hit way over 200 reps. There are some sick results in the leaderboard. Big names are hitting something around 250 reps which means they have taken a number of cleans on the third round. I believe former Games athlete Mikko Aronpää did like 269 reps and is on the top end of the leaderboard.

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