It's been busy! Haven't found time to write the specs of my workouts in the last two days. Today we were at friends' wedding party. Good party for sure! I was working out with my bro and his kids Saturday morning. Squats, deads and a metcon. Good session!
- Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1 (all sets 130kg)
Squats and deads
- Deadlift 5x7 (130, 135, 140, 145, 150kg)
Metcon. Result, 236 reps (9rds + 2 clean)
- 15min amrap of:
- 2 power clean, 80kg
- 8 handstand push-ups
- 16 box jumps, 61cm
My program consisted of squats, deadlifts and once my bro left I stayed there to come up with a metcon. I wanted a heavier barbell, and then bodyweight stuff. That bar needed to be something that would not slow down the intensity so it turned to 80kg power clean. Heavy'ish power clean in a metcon, then lots of hspu's in a row. Also, 16 box jumps is quite much.
I was able to keep up the pace well during the metcon. It was a long 15 minutes. But the pace stayed pretty good throughout the wod and I'm pretty proud of myself. It was somewhere around 1:30-2:00 per round. It felt bad and felt like it's never gonna end. But round by round it went by and finally the clock reached 15 minutes and I was done. Took cleans as singles but everything else went unbroken.
Video added. -Don