Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday 26.3: CF Open 12.3

Thursday. CF Open 12.3, 18min amrap of: 15 box, 12 s2o (52.5kg), 9 t2b. Result, 288 reps (pr).

We were going to a a theater with Pauliina and a great friend couple. It was a show called Speksi, a traditional theater organized entirely by university students, this time it was medical students, future doctors. It was once again a blast, great show and awesome dancing too. We've hit it couple of times with Miia and Jake earlier too, they rock! =) Had to sneak in for a short workout. I dug in some old Open workouts and went after one of my favorites, Open 12.3.

CF Open 12.3. Result, 288 reps (8 rounds, PR). Compare to 12.6.2014
  • 18min amrap of:
  • 15 box
  • 12 shoulder-to-overhead, 52.5kg
  • 9 toes-to-bar
This is probably the longest Open workouts there is in the field of Crossfit. At least the longest I've seen and done. For a while the feeling was great and fresh, quite soon though it becomes a little unpleasant (in a good vibe way). And at some point it starts to burn your guts from the inside, then it's just about pushing through and ignoring the voices in your head that tell you to slow down. I felt like a king after this workout! Got a better result than ever even though I've had e running nose for days now and my plan was to take it a notch easier than normally.

Strategy was to pace myself on the box jumps, unbroken but no need to have a panic mode pace on those. Just keep the body moving. Boxes kept my heart rate up and legs warm. I took a break before touching the barbell. This is where the difference is done on this workout, those shoulder-to-overhead's. It's a good question whether you should aim to go unbroken or break the sets.

I've tried both. Once I did those unbroken but that resulted in me having to get myself together before moving on. Plus I had to pause after boxes before getting my hands on the barbell. On another time I made those sets in two attempts. Today my strategy was clear. Box and t2b unbroken, and s2o's in 7-5 each set. And I stuck to that plan every round. Also on the first round even though it wasn't heavy at this point. It was important because that might have fatigued my shoulders too early on.

Yesterday I pressed / jerked for 5k of iron overhead and today was similar amount of weights being moved from front rack to overhead. My shoulders still feel great. T2b's were the easiest part of the entire workout. Awesome workout every time I've done this, and I felt like I deserved the show for the evening in good company!

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