Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday 2.4: Snatch + Back squat, Pull-ups, Burpees

Thursday. AM: Snatch technique (7x5 @ 40kg). PM: Back squat emom (up to 142.5kg). Metcon, 10 to 1, down by 1's of: pull-ups and burpees. Time, 5.13

Had to wake up rather early today because we are leaving to the country side to meet the in-laws for Easter. I needed to get two sessions in and there was also a barber shop visit ahead of me so this was the earliest training sessions I had in Eltsu this morning. It was all about snatches. In the afternoon I went to pick up my lady from work and stayed there to strengthen my legs and do a quick intense cardio workout.

  • Technique
  • 7x5 squat snatch (all sets @ 40kg)
Purpose was not go heavy. My warm-up was long, probably took a good half an hour before my first set at 40kg. Snatch as squat version requires a lot of mobility and I won't take it for granted. I'm not that flexible and elastic that I could do it right away. Need to get my hips and shoulders work together for this goal. The path to this is warming up a lot.

I used just empty barbell for some time for power snatches, squat snatches, overhead squats, snatch balances. Plus took quite a lot of mobility time before laying my hands on the barbell in the first place. Finally I got to the point of putting some plates on the bar. One set at 30kg, then 40kg for the remaining of the sets.

I had huge desire to keep on piling stuff on the bar but that was not going to be the case today. I wanted to work on my snatch mechanics, building awareness of how the bar should travel and learn my body how it should move on this very complex movement.

This session went great in my opinion. Comparing to my own level, these snatches were pretty good. Mobility is crucial thing in this one, I'll keep on improving that one in order to make snatches easier. Gotta have mobility, speed, strength. In that order. That's what the legendary Coach - Mike Burgener - says. And it's not difficult to agree on this statement.

  • Every minute on the minute
  • Back squat
  • 1-3min: 3x110kg
  • 4-6min: 2x120kg
  • 7-11min: 1x130, 135, 140, 142.5, 145f
In the afternoon my goal was to strengthen my legs. Yesterday was front squat, today was gonna be back squats. Idea was similar. Emom workout, add weight, drop reps. Started with 110kg for triples, then 120kg for doubles. These were light. Then it was all singles from there on. One rep every minute until failure. The wall came at 145kg. Recovery became an issue there. My legs were getting jello at 140kg, and the one after that was tough. Thus, it was too challenging this time to get 145kg up. Felt awesome to back squat!

Metcon. Time, 5.13
  • 10 to 1, down by 1's of:
  • Pull-ups
  • Burpees
Once I sat on the barber shop chair, this came to my mind. Old classic. I used to combine these two movement couple of times in different combinations. It has always sucked big time. Today was no exception. This combo meant that you complete 10 reps of both elements, then 9 reps, 8-7-6…. until 1 rep.

The rounds of 9-8-7 are the worst. Especially the 9's and 8's. I tried to keep a good pace from the very beginning without stopping too much between sets. This made even my stomach ache. It was hurting big time in lats, shoulders, and core. Breathing was heavy obviously all the time.

It helped mentally at the round of 6's because the amount was getting smaller every round. I wanted these sets to be unbroken and got them. That wasn't actually an issue at any time. I was just afraid that it might become if I gassed too much. Luckily everything went well. Very good, short and intense workout to seal the day!


  1. Piti käydä parturissa, ennen kuin uskallat tulla Klakeen ;)

  2. Hehe joo sinne ei kehtaa tulla perus lookilla :)

  3. Hyvännäköisiä snatchejä, mutta aattelin kommentoida pari vinkkiä :). Vähän hitaasti näyttää tulevan alle tippuminen, mutta niin kuin sanoit että liikkuvuus rajoittaa. Snatch balance on hyvä harjoitus tähän OHS:n kera. Mulla ainakin antanut uskallusta isommillakin romuilla tippua kunnolla tangon alle. Hangistä hi-hang asentoon näytti myös jalat suoristuvan liikaa, jolloin ei saa varvistuksesta ja epäkkäillä vedosta täyttä tehoa irti. Jalat ei sais oikeastaan suoristua tossa vaiheessa ollenkaan, vaan tanko vain vedetään kohti osumakohtaa suoristamalla selkä ja tuomalla jalkojen painopiste tangon myötäisesti eteen. Tanko lähtee helposti liikaa eteenpäin jos jalat suoristuvat ennen osumakohtaa. Tohon ollaan viime aikoina keskitytty ja siinä on tullut itellä uusia oivalluksia. Mutta joo on tossa tekniikan hiomisessa vielä itellä paljon töitä :D.


  4. Jees, moro Jake! Kyllä, kiitos näistä tipseistä! Snatch balance on ihan päällikkö muuvi tohon uskallushommaan ja siihen, että tottuu olemaan isompien rautojen alla. Niitä tuli veivattua alkuvuodesta ja varmasti juuri sen ansiosta irtosikin lopulta peeär hommia snäpyssä joku pari viikkoo sitten. Mutta joo koitan sisäistää ton sun täkyn. Ei olis pahitteeks jos pääsis reenaa kaverin kanssa, joka antais livenä vinkkiä niin pääsis heti korjaa liikeratoja =)
