Sunday, December 20, 2015

Saturday 19.12: Winter War Event 3

Saturday. Winter War, Event 3. Result, 142 reps

Saturday's training session was an easier one. Only one metcon. My back felt as stiff as it could be after those heavier deadlifts on Friday. Even though they felt good when I did them, the following days are often the moments when I feel like something had been pulled from the ground. Another reason for taking it easier was schedule. We were going to celebrate one family member's 70 year birthday party. It was a blast, these people are great!

Winter War, Event 3. Result, 142 reps

  • 10min amrap of:
  • 20 cal row
  • 15 wall ball
  • 10 box jump overs
  • 2/4/6/8… muscle-ups, ascending ladder

Winter War is a throwdown which aims to find the fittest in Finland. There are a total of 4 qualification events of which the 32 fittest will be called to the competition in February. The events are:

Event 1.

  • 8min amrap:
  • 10 thruster, 50kg
  • 10 thruster, 60kg
  • 10 thruster, 70kg
  • 10 thruster, 80kg…

Event 2.

  • 4min amrap:
  • 1 chest-to-bar pull-up
  • 1 toes-to-bar
Event 3.

  • 10min amrap of:
  • 20 cal row
  • 15 wall ball
  • 10 box jump overs
  • 2/4/6/8… muscle-ups, ascending ladder
Event 4. "Barbell Hell"
  • 50 deadlift, 60kg
  • 50 bar over hops
  • 50 hand power clean, 60kg
  • 50 bar over hops
  • 50 front squat, 60kg
  • 50 bar over hops
  • 50 shoulder-to-overhead, 60kg

I did that first one some time ago. It was a repeat workout from 3 years ago. The only difference was that it started at 40kg then, and I went after the 2012 version. Now it was time for that third event. It looked like a nice one with some muscle-ups in the mix too. Those are always a bit challenging to think how to pace myself because one muscle-ups are gone, it's quite miserable situation =)

Today muscle-ups were not bad at all. To be honest this workout was all about muscle-ups. Row, wall balls and box jumps were small reps which made it easy to cruise through them. My plan was to take it easy on those though because I reckoned gassing myself out on those would make mu's so much more difficult.

First set was unbroken. Muscle-ups were put here in an ascending ladder, going up by 2 reps per round. On the round of 4's I got 3 in a row, and then a single to finish the round. I made a costly mistake there. I tried to jump on the rings to get the last rep done and couldn't get a grip on the rings. They started to swing back and forth which took some time to get them settled. One more muscle-up was completed on the round of 6's. All the muscle-ups were relatively easier than I thought.

It's not common to have mu's in a metcon for me so these are always good ones. Looking back at the workout I could have gone faster. Usually I know how fast I can go but mu's are still difficult to assess. Maybe that's a good reminder of putting them in metcons more often. That's how I would know better how much my body can tolerate of this skills element, strength and conditioning together.


  1. Same result 142reps as me in the WW event 3! You should've got more than me ;).

  2. Haha =D Or maybe you're just a machine. -Don
