Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday 2.3: Game Day, mobility

Saturday. Game Day, mobility.

We had a game day with my floorball team. My role today was to be a back-up goalie so I had the chance to take it easier today. Let's call it active recovery. Half an hour soccer in the wintery Finland, then half an hour warm-up with the team at floorball field. As the game moved on, I took advantage of that time and used it for mobility. I took a ball and utilized it for mobility, as learned from K-starr has some good ideas to improve mobility and elasticity.

Toni's workouts. Back squats and bench for strength and a 6min stair running metcon.

  • Back squats 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-1-1 (100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 110, 120, PR 125kg).
  • Bench press 10x60kg, 3x80kg, 1x90kg, failed attempt of 100kg, 1x97.5kg (PR), failed attempt of 100kg

Toni's Metcon.

  • 6 min amrap
  • Stair ascent
  • Stair descent
  • On top of stairs 10 reps of either push-ups, sit-ups or air squats on rotation.

Toni went to a new location in the morning, a sports center called Pirkkola, a place where we trained in the summer time. He found a new Box there and got inspired so much that he PR'd his back squat and bench press, nice job! Several sets of back squats. He told me the first sets felt a but stiff but towards the end his joints were loose and he made good lifts. Other athletes at the gym were giving him some props as well. I would have liked to be there to see this guy break his records. That's awesome job Toni!

The sets in the bench press look a bit funny. 10 reps at 60kg, then he attacked his max load pretty soon after that. Toni has a twisted obsession of breaking 100kg and he will go beyond that some day. Today he tried it twice, didn't make it but still made a new record of 97.5kg. That's his bodyweight so now he's got to that point as well, nice!

Ode to the Fran (Benchmark girl workout Fran: 21-15-9, thrusters at 42.5kg and pull-ups)

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