Saturday, September 10, 2016

Saturday 10.9: Deadlifts, Pistols, Lunges, Push-ups

Saturday. Deads 7x6 @ 140-160kg. Gymnastics, 5x20 pistols. Accessory, 4rds of: 30 lunges, 25 push-ups.

First time putting all the plates on the barbell for modest weight pulls from the ground. Then some skills as I did 100 pistol squats before hitting the last piece with my wife. She told we'd do lunges and push-ups.


  • Deadlift 7x6 (140, 160, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140kg)

It felt great to get a little heavier barbell on my hands. It's been a notch lighter since I stopped training at my previous gym. There's a little transition before we move to our new home. Then I will get back in action for real. Next week we'll go for a holiday. Until then, I'll keep doing crossfit at our current home.


  • Pistol squats, alternating 5x20 reps
Pauliina worked on her deadlifts whereas I practiced sets of unbroken pistol squats, alternating between legs after each rep. Haven't been front or back squatting lately, and it felt like these pistol squats were heavy, a little heavier by each set.

We have been walking around in the nature quite a lot. Yesterday we wandered in Seurasaari to watch the sunset. Below there are couple of pictures along the trip.


  • 4 rounds of:
  • 30 walking lunges, bodyweight
  • 25 push-ups
Not a timed workout. It was cool to do this side by side with Pauliina, each rep was completed at the same time. Synchronized movements as a team =)

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