Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday 21.11: Back squat + handstand push-ups

Wednesday. Back squats 4-4-4-1 (max 125kg), 4 x max hspu.

I'm still taking it easy this week. In the morning I took only back squats and handstand push-ups. Toni joined the training session and concentrated in front squats and also took a metcon of cleans and double unders. I had floorball in the evening as well.

Back squats. 4-4-4-1 (100, 110, 120, 125kg). I reached my max weights which pleased me a lot. Even though it was not the purpose of the workout it still feels good. The main point was to keep body activated with squats and go deep with rather heavy weights. As I was able to squat properly I decided to put more plates on the barbell. I was able to go for four reps with 120kg, that felt very good. Adding 5kg and reaching my current PR in back squats, 125kg, brought some difficulties. I took single rep, second one failed. Two minutes rest, another attempt of 125kg, I was determined to do two reps. Damned, it was a fail, no reps. Still, a good feeling as all four reps with 120kg with good squat depth were completed, adrenaline was flowing and also got that single rep with 125kg with good form.

Handstand push-ups. 4 x max set of hspu (5, 4, 4, 4 reps). I had decided to do handstand push-ups today as well for strength training too. Four sets of max reps. I've been doing handstand push-ups without any bumpers, plates or anything else where to lower my head. For quite a long time I used to have a foam roll between my hands below my head. As I removed it some weeks ago I'm lowering my head all the way to the floor and then bounce back with the help of shoulders and triceps. By removing foam roll the movement becomes exponentially more difficult and is very demanding indeed. I'm very happy I finally moved to do hspu's without any extra cushions. First set was 5 reps and the following three rounds were 4 reps each. After this I also took some attempts of kipping hspu's and tried to make my body understand how kipping should be done when going for handstand push-ups. It would definitely ease the movement greatly.

Toni's workouts. Front squats 3-3-3-3-3-1 (60, 70, 75, 80, 85, PR 90kg) and a metcon, result 169 reps.

  • Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 12 minutes
  • 3 cleans, 50kg
  • Remaining of the minute double unders
  • Result of the workout is the total number of double unders

First of all, Toni did a new personal record of front squats. His previous one was 85kg and today he lifted triples up to those weights. Then he still added plates and took a single 90 up, great job Toni! A metcon followed after strength training. I did this workout 28th October and this inspired Toni to do the workout as well. I might take this some day again, now that I can do double unders well, I recall having my breath running extremely wild! And so was to case with Toni as well. Toni's result 169 double unders.

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