We're heading to central Finland today for midsummer celebration but I had time to sneak to the gym in the morning to torture my body one more time before departure. Some skills to begin with, then heavy clean emom and finally a test of fitness in form of 15min amrap of bodyweight movements.
- Ring muscle-ups
- Every 30 seconds, perform 1 squat clean @ 90kg, for 10min
Metcon. Result, 275 reps (9 rounds + 5 hspu)
- 15min amrap of:
- 5 handstand push-ups
- 10 toes-to-bar
- 15 box jumps, 61cm
I wanted to have a traditional metcon in my system and really see if I can keep my body moving throughout the workout. That's why the movements and reps per movements were as you see above. I can do 5hspu, 10 t2b and 15 box whenever I want. But the real question is how can I do them when I've already done like 5 rounds. The answer seemed to be: well. At least today my pace remained consistent and I was able to push through the demons telling me to slow down. I didn't listen to those guys but just kept pushing through. My result in the end was 9 full rounds and 5 handstand push-ups on the 10th round. Totalling 50 hspu, 90 t2b and 135 box. I'm happy, now I can take it easy and go pack our car =)
Updated the ring muscle-up video, couple of more reps now. -Don