Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday 15.6: Rings, Ohs and bodyweight metcon

Sunday. Skills, ring muscle-ups. Strength, ohs 10-10-10-10-10 (across 50kg). Metcon, 3rds of: 10 hspu, 20 pistols, 30 pull-ups. Time 12.57

We went to downtown Helsinki with the family in the morning for a stroll, lunch and frozen yogurts for dessert. Great Sunday I got to say! Then in the early evening it was time to hit the gym with Pauliina. Plus it's freaking awesome to have the soccer championship on, having great games showing in TV around the clock, love it.

I felt fresh in the morning even though it's been a tough training streak lately. I've intentionally increased the amount of weights and I'm feeling good under a heavy barbell, not matter if it's squat, clean, jerk or snatch. Today I took a workout from couple of days ago, 5x10 reps overhead squats. Before that I took couple of reps muscle-ups on rings for warm-up. Finally the metcon was sick, a creation of my own, a triplet of bodyweight movements.

  • Ring mucsle-ups
Took couple of reps with false grip just to remind my body how it's done. No problem there, I got the reps done easily. Well, easy is maybe a little exaggeration but I had no issues with them anyway. I was thinking about playing around with the rings

Maybe a little too high for a regular pull-up?

  • Overhead squats 10-10-10-10-10 (all sets @ 50kg)
Overhead squats are something I don't do that often. There's no obvious reason, I guess I've just found so much other things to work on. I felt good having the bar overhead and squatting. One negative side there is on this movement. My wrists tend to get sore during the reps. For longer sets like this it sometimes becomes very disturbing. And smaller sets with heavier weights brings the same issues.

The weight itself moved pretty well in my opinion. And I found a good path way below parallel to get all those 50 reps done with style. I took the barbell from ground this time as there was another guy back squatting in the rack. This weight was not that heavy so it wasn't bad to throw it in my back rack before jerking it overhead.

Overhead squats

Metcon. Time 12.57
  • 3 rounds of:
  • 10 handstand push-ups
  • 20 pistol squats, alternating
  • 30 pull-ups
You probably realized the movements are same with benchmark workout Mary. The difference is that Mary is 20min amrap of the triplet with 5-10-15 reps in the same order. I doubled the reps just to test my fitness in a different method. The nature of the workout was definitely different with this kind of high-rep sets.

I got handstand push-ups unbroken on the first and second round, then dropped from the wall after 7 reps on the last round before making it a full ten reps. These went surprisingly well. Of course the first round was easy as the workout just started but I thought second round might have been tougher. I'm glad I got them done well there too.

Pistol squats are always kind of tough but I get them done. It's a strange movement. It starts to feel challenging but I always get the rep done when I drop down and try to come back up. There's a clear difference between the mobility in my legs. I can go ass-to-grass on my left leg and coming back up from there is way easier than my right leg. And I can't just drop down and bounce back up, I got to squat with a slower pace and in a more controlled way than on my left side.

It was not a surprise that the pull-ups turned out to be the most challenging element in the one. Going for 30 reps each round was something I wasn't looking forward to. I tried to think about it one rep at a time. And decided to cut it to pieces from the very beginning. On the first round I went 10-10-10, it was manageable in all tens. On the second one it was 12-10-8 and every attempt was a fight. The last set of 30 reps was quite miserable =) I took a 10, then 5-4 and the last 11 reps was triples and doubles. I tried to make the recovery as short as possible after dropping down.

The training session was once again good. I'm happy on the way I've been able to program the workouts by myself and keep on grinding on a daily basis. Got to keep it as variable as I possibly can. I want to focus on certain things but mostly I try to build up an all-around athlete that can perform at a decent level on any possible fitness element.


  1. Ootko kokeillut ottaa noita ohs kyykkyjä ihan snadisti kapeemmalla otteella? Vois helpottaa noihin ranteisiin + saisi kyynerpäät kunnolla lukkoon. Omasta kokemuksesta vaan huomaan että kohtuu pienikin muutos saattaa jeesata paljonkin. Lisäksi mulla jeesaa tekniikkaan / ranteisiin se kun ajattelee ikäänkuin vetävän tankoa ulospäin samalla kun ottaa otteen tangosta, menee ranteen / kyynerpäät parempaan asentoon...ehkä.

    Ehkä ootkin jo tsekannut:

  2. Joo oon mä kokeillut. Jos otan vähänkään kapeempaa otetta, niin sit en pääse ysikybän kulmaan kyykyssä. Se on niinku mahdoton tehtävä siinä mielessä. Oon kyllä koittanut sitä veivaa kapeemmalla, mut nää liikkuvuushommat vähän vaikeuttaa hommaa. Kyl mun kyynärpäät on lukossa koko ajan, mut noi ranteet on kyl ehkä vähän oudossa asennossa

  3. Ja kiitti Juha tosta Starlettin videosta! Pitää rupee tekee asioita ranteille tai ranteelle. Mun oikee on jäätävän kiree, siihen on tullut jotain rustoo varmaan, joka estää sitä liikkumasta samalla tavalla kuin vasen
