Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday 18.6: Back squats, Ohs, C2B

Wednesday. Strength, back squat (max 130kg). Workout, every 2:00: complete 10 ohs (40kg) + 10 c2b. Repeat for 8:00 / 4 rds.

Finally! Back squats, c'mon!!! I've been missing you guys a lot. We were in the States 12-26th May and after that I had that problem with my hip flexors so it's been way over a month since I've had big loads in my back for squatting purposes. I took couple of sets, maxing out on this current condition. For a metcon I took a workout that focused on my weaknesses. Not that tough on my lungs but more on my strength.

Definitely worth a shot!

  • Back squat 3x100, 115, 120, 125kg, 2x130kg, 3x120kg
I took some slow motion squats, pause squats and regular squats with 60 and 80kg barbell. After that I started counting my sets. Okay, 100kg was still light but let's count it anyway. I decided to jump to 115kg, took another triple, and went up with 5kg leaps. I wanted Joni to back me up just in case on the set of 125kg because it's been so long time since hitting it heavy on back squats. This set went on nicely, the last one was a battle though. Next stop at 130kg. I took the first one on my own, and on the second rep Joni secured it slightly. By the way, he's the best spotter I've ever met. He somehow let's you do all the work, he just makes sure you're pushing it the right way by directing your body path right upwards.

I've once taken 3x140kg so I need to get back on my squat program to get them strong. My goal is still to hit double bodyweight squat. At a bodyweight of about 82kg I'd be happy with 160kg for 1 rep max. I haven't had any issues with my hip flexors and if everything is good after this day too I'll guarantee to squat more.

  • Every 2 minutes:
  • Complete 10 overhead squats (40kg) + 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • Continue for a total of 8:00 / 4 rounds
The nature of this workout was a little different. Very much scaled version of the CF Open workout 14.2 from 2014. The loads were bigger that time. My goal was to target two of my weaknesses: overhead squats and chest-to-bar pull-ups. Currently both of these movements are much more familiar than they used to some time ago, no doubt, but there's still work to do.

High-rep overhead squats is the thing. Okay, I can do Nancy with unbroken ohs (total 5x15 ohs @ 40kg) but somehow I feel like I should be more efficient and able to recover faster after a set like 10-15 reps with 40kg / 95lbs. Going heavier on ohs brings different kind of issues with mobility, it doesn't feel that natural anymore. This means only one thing: more work. I met a new crossfitter at the gym today. It was one good experience. He had the most beautiful snatch balances I've ever witnessed with bare eye. The speed under bar and his hip mobility were freaking awesome. It was awesome to chit chat about crossfit for quite a while. Hopefully we're able to hit a workout together some day.

I still remember it was difficult to link c2b's together. I found it difficult to keep my body moving. Instead I had to kind of do them as singles. Even though at the same time I was able to do 30-40 normal pull-ups in a row. So at some point I started doing chest-to-bars every single day for warm-up. I probably haven't written about it but I took them every day, strict c2b's, just a couple but the point was I took 'em every day. And every now and then they were part of a metcon. So now the situation is way different and I can take couple of tens reps in a workout. That's real progress for me.

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