Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday 21.2: Run, Db snatch

Sunday. Wod, 5rds of: 400m run, 20 db snatch (25kg).

The workout took my breath away. It was time to continue working outdoors with dumbbells. It had snowed A LOT during the night. We had just shoveled huge piles of snow away from the terrace and front yard and the same process was waiting there in the morning. But first it was time to get gassed in the form of crossfit. The streets were also naturally full of snow so my ankles were full of snow.

  • 5 rounds of:
  • 400m run
  • 20 dumbbell snatch @ 25kg
The pace was probably steady each round, that was my gut feeling. Snatches were 10 in a row with right hand, then changed to 10 reps with left hand. Dumbbell snatches seem to take my breath away every time. Running felt like that was the most disgusting part of the wod.

Last lap of running is about to begin