Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday 27.8: Tabata

Monday. Tabata: Du (84) + push-ups (84) + sit-ups (96) + squats (166).

Finally, after five days of resting (40km walk and carrying stuff) I got the proper chance to do some workouts, I was missing this badly! I flew back tonight from Stockholm in the evening and decided to take some tabata workouts for starters. My neck still hurts like hell, no idea what those push presses caused couple of weeks ago. I did tabatas for double-unders, push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Tabata means 8 rounds of work: 20 sec work, 10 sec rest, repeat 8 times. Very quick and efficient way of training. You can apply it to pretty much everything you can imagine of: pull-ups, rowing, back extensions etc.

Double-unders, total 84 (15+15+8+8+12+6+10+10)
Push-ups, total 84 (20+15+12+9+7+7+7+7)
Sit-ups, total 96 (12+12+12+12+12+12+12+12)
Squats, total 166 (20+20+21+20+21+21+21+22)

DU 84. I'm glad my double-unders are finally beginning to roll. I had some lack of concentration in some of the rounds, that's why I stumbled a bit too much. Actually I stumbled in each round at least once. Once I get rid of those stupidities, numbers are gonna rise a lot.

Push-ups 84. On push-ups, same issues occurred as last time. My strength level works for the first 2-3 rounds, then I have to struggle quite much to get myself pushed back up. I'm proud of doing push-ups properly, hitting low enough. Previous record was 69.

Sit-ups 96. Not bad at all, I just couldn't be any faster. Could have lasted for longer.

Squats 166. After one week's pause, these slid nicely. I remember I did something around 18 reps per round last time. Now the lowest was 20 reps. Very good


  1. Just for curiosity...Do you know that your tabata score is the lowest score on each round?

    For example in du your score is 6 and so on


  2. Look at that! A proper rest gives you better results ;) hih, good job!

  3. Yep, very happy for the increase in results =)
    Okey, you have a good point bro, I haven't taken that into consideration.
