Schedule here in Stockholm has been walking with bags about ten km per day. This day was not an exception. My legs are killing me. However, I miss my box. The one where my biggest fights have been fought, the toughest workouts have been done, where I've struggled mentally and overcome those barriers, where I've always left as a winner.
I've had some time to figure out how to practice the following weeks. Schedule is going to be tight and hard, physically and mentally, but that's the way I like it. I've put the strength trainings and metcons already to my calendar so you'll gonna be reading about them soon. There's gonna be some classics included, some are enacted from's workouts and most of them are my own modifications. Now I'm recharching my batteries so I will be back with huge amount of energy and enthusiasm! I'll be back in Finland on Monday evening and first cf workouts will begin right on Tuesday morning.
Walking with whose bags, I wonder... :D walking around town is super exhausting, don't ever underestimate it! ;)