Sunday, February 19, 2017

Mid February

Mid February. Weather is getting warmer and the spring seems to be getting closer. My right elbow got inflammated during this period and I'm still working to get it fixed perfectly. Also had a short period of flu, and had to skip 3 days of training. Despite these, it's been a blast throwing down. Also had a friend of mine - Antti - to join one session during the week, on Thursday 16th.

Tuesday 7.2

I loved it. Been focusing much more on overhead squats and narrowing my grip. The width of the grip has been a huge fix on my ohs. It feels much more comfortable, stable and strong position when adjusting the hands a notch closer to each other. This was a very quick session. Had our little girl to watch during the process.

  • Overhead squat 5x5 @ 60kg
  • Last set was 10 reps

Wednesday 8.2

At this stage my elbow was about done so this was pretty much everything I could do. Went to doctor on Thursday, the following day. Rowing all in pace really gets to my butt cheeks. Efficient session for sure.

  • 30sec on, 30sec off, for 10 min
  • Row, all in pace
  • Row 2.000m

Friday 10.2

  • Back squat 7x10 reps @ 100kg
Big volume of squatting never hurt anyone. It was a blast.

Saturday 11.2

  • 5 sets of:
  • 5 back squat @ 120kg
  • 20 pistol squats, alternating
  • Rest as needed between sets

You probably see that upper body was in a ban as the doc said it's out of question. Had to squat more.

Sunday 12.2


  • 5 rounds of:
  • 10 deadlift @ 100kg
  • 20 bench jump overs

More lower body smashing took place because of the same reason. Awesome wod by the way. Then some accessory stuff afterwards. Single leg rdl's and core work.


  • 4 rounds of:
  • 10 one-legged romanian deadlift @ 2x25kg dumbbells, left leg
  • 10 one-legged romanian deadlift @ 2x25kg dumbbells, right leg
  • 60 Russian twists

Thursday 16.2

  • Back squat 7x10 @ 110kg
  • Deadlift 4x8 @ 110, 120, 125, 130kg
I repeated those 10 rep squat sets with a notch heavier weight than a week ago. These hurt my soul a bit. Luckily I had a friend drop by to share the agony. Lots of volume, then some lighter deadlifts to seal the deal.

Friday 17.2

The first piece was very quick, it took me about 10 minutes to finish those 7 sets. I was a happy kid after getting my lungs in a good test after about a week of not doing anything that would bring the intensity high. Went unbroken with each element. Very good workout.

  • Hang squat clean triples
  • 7 sets @ 80kg

Amrap 12 minutes. Result, 221 reps (6 rounds + 5 wb)
  • 15 wall ball
  • 12 lunges with sandbag
  • 9 hang power snatch @ 30kg

Saturday 18.2

Saturday's breakfast was a longer version of improving fitness. Got hspu's and goblet squats unbroken every round. It was nice to see that hspu's didn't bring any issues. Haven't been doing those lately that much but I guess all the work being done during the past years carry my performance quite alright through these tests.

Goblet squats with a kb burned my legs. Especially as they were smashed already in the morning because of those heavy volume back squats and yesterday's workout. I don't have a box of any kind but I do have a Rogue bench. It's not as high as an rx'd box so there's no point in jumping on top of it and call it a box jump. But jumping right over it without touching the box brings a good challenge. Doing 20 in a row gets heart beat up and legs shaking. Rowing pace was somewhere around 1.5x. I had the screen on calories but looked couple of times at the pace, it was between 1.54 and 1.58.

In the afternoon I went running. In the last minute I decided to put on a weight vest to add the stakes a notch. The weather has been hovering around 0 celsius degrees. Something minus, sometimes couple of degrees on the plus side. So the land is very icy at times. Today it was very slippery which brought its own spice to the run. It took me 35 minutes to run 5.5km.

Amrap 30. Result, 465 reps (6 rounds + 20 box overs)
  • 10 handstand push-ups
  • 15 goblet squats @ 32kg kettlebell
  • 20 box jump overs (don't touch the box)
  • 25 cal row
  • Run 5.5km with a 9kg weight vest

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