Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday 22.10: Snatch technique, Annie x 2

Tuesday. Squat snatch technique. Benchmark workout Annie, 50-40-30-20-10, double unders and sit-ups. Time 6.26. Rest 3-5min, repeat Annie. Time 6.55.

Was supposed to go to Eltsu with my bro, to the cave where magic happens with olympic lifting. Had some timetable issues and the whole trip was flushed down the toilet. Had some great plans that had to be modified on the fly. My focus was on squat snatch technique that I want to refine. After snatches I wanted to take double unders but didn't know what to put with them. Remembered benchmark workout Annie and decided to complete it twice.

  • Squat snatches
  • Empty bar snatches, overhead squats @:
  • 3 x 30, 40, 40kg
  • 2 x 45, 45kg
  • 1 x 50, 50, 50, 50, 50kg

Small steps on the way to perfection. Currently my technique sucks =) Let's take half a year from this moment on and see what it looks like. I bet it's on a whole different level, I'm very confident about that. Did some light weight in the beginning, simply empty bar and 30kg reps. Added some weights until I hit 50kg. The bar wasn't heavy but it was difficult to find the correct spot for the bar to land overhead in the squat's bottom position. This was the first time I had 50kg in squat snatch. So that definitely was a step forward!

Got to practice these in a place where I don't have to mind if the bar drops. Only then I can dare to put more weights on the bar and hit heavier sets as well. Currently I can power snatch 60+ kilos so naturally squat version should be heavier. Same ideology as in power / squat cleans. Squat version's 1RM should always be heavier. Currently this is the other way around on my snatches.

As you can see from the videos (by the way, there's a lot of puffing before the actual reps…) I don't dare to drop down aggressively enough. I kind of break the speed on my way down. There's no need for that. Should just let go and drop my butt just like that. But the positive thing is that there are no mobility issues as long as I have good and long warm-up. Some time ago squat snatch was very challenging considering my mobility. I've been doing work for them and hopefully it starts to pay off.

Annie. Time 6.26. Compare to 6.1.2013
  • 50-40-30-20-10
  • Double unders
  • Sit-ups, anchored feet

Annie has been in my calendar once before, in January. This is not a traditional benchmark workout in a certain sense. Breathing is tolerable all the way as normally breathing is extremely difficult in some point of benchmark wod. I thought I would do the double unders unbroken but it turned out that I did mistakes in sets of 50's and 40's. That consumed some time. Sit-ups are sit-ups. Haven't done them and probably won't be doing them. Don't find the movement that beneficial. On sit-ups there simply can't be a break. It's an easy movement. Speed on them definitely slows down except on the last 2 rounds when it's possible to speed up because of the amount of reps.

Annie. Time 6.55.
  • 50-40-30-20-10
  • Double unders
  • Sit-ups, anchored feet

Understood that my sit-ups would probably slow down a little bit so my plan was to concentrate properly on the double unders to finish in same time frame as in the first Annie. However, I made the same stumbles in the first 2 rounds as in the first Annie. That sucked but other than that, I managed to keep a good upright form in both workouts with the DU's. Focused on bending my knees as little as possible and keep straight torso from toes to head. It's not perfect but it's better than before. Step forward as well =)

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