Monday, December 21, 2020

Sunday 29.11: Run, Hspu

Sunday. Amrap 25min. Run 400m, 20 hspu. Result, 7 rounds.

Bodyweight stuff. Needed to just get some fuilds running in my body. Okay things escalated with 140 hspu's in the workout. But it was under control all the time and didn't tax my body that much. This was steady pace wod with easier pace on the running. Ideally thoes hspu's would have been unbroken stuff but this time they were not. It was 3 rounds ub, and then 17-15 reps on the first set and so on.

Amrap 25. Result, 7 rounds
  • Run up and down the street (ca. 400m)
  • 20 handstand push-ups

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