Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday 29.8: Snatch, Hspu, Box

Friday. Metcon, 12min amrap of: 3 power snatch (50kg), 6 hspu, 9 box. Result, 147 reps.

We were in a bit of a hurry with Pauliina and she gave me all 30 minutes of quality time at the gym after work, including warm-up. So it there was time to hit a short workout, and it seemed like there's just enough time for a 12min amrap. I gathered my thoughts and was able to come up with a combination of snatches, hspu's and box jumps.

Metcon. Result, 147 reps (8 rounds + 3 snatch)
  • 12min amrap of:
  • 3 power snatch, 50kg
  • 6 handstand push-up
  • 9 box jump
This workout turned out to be great. I've felt good on the snatches lately. Haven't done them that much in the summer time but lately there have been couple of workouts where my technique has felt solid and confident. Today I took a quick warm-up, still didn't give any slack on it because a good preparation equals a healthy body. I don't wanna rush through warm-up but cut on the work time instead because I don't wanna take any injuries in vain. My body felt good after some mobility time and snatches at 40-45-50kg.

I went unbroken on each of the three stations each round. Result was 8 full rounds + 3 snatches on the 9th round, totaling 147 reps. That equals 27 snatches, 48 hspu, and 72 box. Difficult to say which movement was the toughest. Programming of this workout was good because they felt equally good / bad. I got them done unbroken except for some falls of the wall on the handstand push-ups. However, I jumped right back in there.

Box jumps started to burn my legs and it was a great combo of all muscles being in flames. It didn't get easy on any of the movements and not too heavy either. Round times were on 1:30 on average, the first being 1:03 and the slowest being 1:42, most of them around 1:30 anyway. It was a great workout!

Another game between Philly and SanFran

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