Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday 26.4: Another double session

Sunday. AM: Cleans and deadlifts. PM: Run and row

Another double session. This hasn't happened in ages. Felt very good, and my body is also feeling pretyt good now. There were times when I used to hit it 6.5 times a week, with each session having 2-3 pieces. So this kind of volume where I take one workout per day should be tolerable any day.

Power cleans. Link to the cleans
  • Build up to a heavy single (60, 70, 80, 90, 100kg)
I carried one piece of gym matt to the home road, outside of our gym / yard. The idea was that I could do some touch'n'go cleans. It's not possible at the gym because I'm training basically always when our little twins are sleeping. So I don't dare to make that noise because that can be heard indoors as well. I figured why haven't I built up a lifting stations at the road. That turned out to ne a great lifting platform by all parameters.

Power cleans. Link to the cleans
  • Unbroken sets of:
  • 15 @ 60kg
  • 10 @ 70kg
  • 6 @ 80kg
  • 3 @ 90kg
These unbroken barbell cycling sets were nasty. My grip and legs started to heat up. Managed to do all those but those weren't an easy walk in the park for me today. But it sure felt awesome to do power cleans as I almost always do cleans from hang position when training at home.

  • 4x8 @ 140kg
Didn't plan this beforehand at all. But after cleans I realized the platfrom is perfect, I still have some time left so why not do some pulls. Felt strong on these. Okay, the barbell was only 140kg so that should come up smoothly.

  • 10min run
  • 10min row
  • 10min run
  • 10min row
  • 10min run
  • 10min row
In the evening after kids went to bed it was dad's time to shine one more time. Alternating between running and rowing. Easy pace. No idea on the running's pace but rowing was at 2:00 so that generated a steady 2.500m per set, so a total of 7.5 kilometers of rowing at least got in the books.

Saturday 25.4: Double session

Saturday. AM: Amrap 20 of row, devils press and burpees. PM. Squats, pistols and 1-legged step-ups.

I had a chance to hit a double session. My oldest daughter joined me in the first session, and then the latter one was in the evening going solo.

Amrap 20. Result 5 rounds
  • 500m row
  • 7 devils press @ 2x15kg dumbbells
  • 10 burpees
This was a pure conditioning workout. Had a steady pace all the way. It was pretty much aroun d4 minutes per rounds. Basically it took 2 minutes on the concept2 rower and another 2 minutes on the burpees and devils presses.

Strength. Link to the session
  • Back squat
  • 10 @ 106kg
  • 8 @ 111kg
  • 6 @ 116kg
  • 4 @ 121kg 
  • 2 @ 126kg

Evening session's main goal was to smash some lower body. First some back squat progression I have done couple of times. This time between 106kg and 126kg. After squats it was time to do more unilateral work in the form of pistols alternatin after each rep. Purpose was to do those 50 reps unbroken. It hurt but I got them. A little shaky in the end. After those, straight into one-legged box step-ups. Ten reps per leg, then change on the fly. I went through those 100 also unbroken that way.

  • 50 pistol squats
  • 100 1-legged box step-ups

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday 24.4: squats and bar muscleups

Friday. Wod, 5 rounds of back squats and bar muscleups

Classic 30 minute time slot to hit a workout during lunch break. It's always a bit hurry but I warmee up fast and was able to do this one anyway.

5 rounds of:
2 back squats @ 130kg
5 bar muscleups

Back squats were supposed to be heavy
I'm very pleased these came up nicely Every round. Haven't squatted that heavy during korona. Double squats to work on lower body. 

Usually when I do bar muscleups, I go without gloves but wear grips on my hands to prevent from rips. Had no idea how those bar mu's would feel like because I haven't trained on a pullup bar bare hands since last fall. That's why I was a bit nervous how it would feel like and how much I could complete. Very positive signal that I was able to go for 5's all the way. And all without any tears on my palms.

Wednesday 22.4: Kb + Db

Wednesday. Wod, 5 rounds of: 20 kbs, 20 db snatch

Had a very short Time frame to hit a workout. So I went to the gym with my daughter and we played around with kettlebell and dumbbells. 

5 rounds of:
20 kettlebell swings @ 32kg
20 dumbbell snatch @ 25kg

It turned out the next day that this was an effective wod. It felt on my grip and arms the next day. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday 21.4

Tuesday. Push press

I felt an overwhelmingly tempting feeling to hit some push presses for strength. It has been more metcons and occasuonal squat sessions lately. This was a great variation in that equation.


Push press. Link to videos
5x10 @ 60kg
5x5 @ 70kg

I haven't done these in a while. To be honest I have no idea when was the last time. Felt good to do these. There have occasuonal been some mobility issues on my shoulders so this was a victory to not have any stiffness that would have prevented me from doing these.

Sent by feeling. Hit the first 60kg set for 10 reps. Then decided to continue that for a while. And finished it with 5x5 rep scheme with a notch heavier barbell. All good! 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday 20.4: Deads and box

Monday. Wod, 5 rounds of deadlifts (climbing) and box jumps.

Usually it's difficult for me to complete deadlifts, box jumps and handstand push-ups at home. Not because I wouldn't like to but because I train in those time slots when our twins are sleeping their naps. And these three movements tend to keep more noise than regular training. Today my training session occurred when everybody were awake so it was time to hit these elements.

Wod. Time, 13min. Link to videos
  • 10 deadlift @ 110kg
  • 20 box jump overs
  • 10 deadlift @ 120kg
  • 20 box jump overs
  • 10 deadlift @ 130kg
  • 20 box jump overs
  • 10 deadlift @ 140kg
  • 20 box jump overs
  • 10 deadlift @ 150kg
  • 20 box jump overs
Classic combination of movements. It works every time. It's been ages since doing deadlifts because of those reasons I just wrote. This used to be some sort of strength of mine. It has always suited well for me. I got through all these rounds unbroken. I figured after 120kg that maybe next round could still go without letting the barbell drop. But finishing each of those five sets unbroken was well beyond my expectations.

This left me satisfied big time. It's nice to see after all these years that the barbell and man are still moving quite nicely. Even though the training volume has come down quite a bit. It used to be 6.5 times on average per week and 2-3 pieces per training session.

Sunday 19.4: Front squats

Sunday. Front squats 5x5

My body ached the minute I woke up. Pretty much everywhere hurt. Probably 131 pistols had its effect. I also understand that my shoulders were sore because of those ring dips. Somehow also my upper back is feeling sensitive like I had done cleans or something alike.

Front squats
  • 5x5 @ 100kg

My training has been much more based on day-to-day feelings rather than systematic strength training. And I'm totally okay with that nowadays. With three little kids there ia always present the element of surprise looming around the corner. That's why I haven't planned my workout session way ahead because I hate to withdraw any training plans that have already been made. 

So let's see if I continue to progress these front squats to heavier weights. I have done some progression on back squats, and hopefully keep on building up on those

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Weekend 17-18.4: t2b, burpee, pistols, dips, deadlift, du

During this corona era I pushed through 30 days with only one rest day. Then had two full recovery days on Wed and Thu. Friday was a busy day but I got a chance to sneak in a short metcon. And on Saturday there was a little more time for a workout

Friday 17.4. Link to the wod

5 rounds of
15 toes-to-bar 
15 burpee

It turned out the combination of the two is more challenging on the core than I imagined beforehand. I went ub on t2b for 3 rounds, Then hit it in two parts. It really hurt

Saturday 18.4

La 18.4

Amrap 20
20 pistol squats
10 ring dips
15 deadlift @ 2x25kg db
30 double unders
Result, 6 rounds + 11 pistols

My palms werea bit sore so I figured skipping barbell work for today. I had some cleans on my mind entering this weekend. I am glad those pistols are Rolling quite nicely. I was able to hit the in unbroken style. Pacing my way through them. Ring dips were unbroken as well. Deadlifts added up the fatigue but those were not the toughest on this one. Du's have been non-existing in the past months so somehow it felt like the fatigue hit much harder and faster on those compared to normal workout. I mean when I used to do those more frequently.

All in all, a good workout and made me push on those pistol squats. Pace was rather conservative butnsteady throughout the wod. This really bit me through 😊


Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter wods

Around Easter time much hasn't changed regarding training volume. I have hit it every day lately. Simple one-piece training session. The past week has looked like this. 

Monday 6th April

2 rounds of:
800m run
20 pullups
800m run
20 t2b
Time, 19.30

Very steady pace from beginning to the ens. Sent unbroken on pullups, and cut the t2b's in 15-5 on first round and maybe in three sets on the latter one.

10 x 15 Overhead lunges @ 40kg

Not a timed version. Just wanted to hit some overhead work on the field and play with my daughter between sets

Wednesday 8th April

Wod, for 8 rounds of:
24 double unders
12 burpees
Time, 11.30

Classic version of one Mainsite workout from years ago. Plus I haven't done any double unders on months so this was a little nerve racking but I completed them unbroken

For 3 rounds of:
30 pullups
30 pistol squats

Thanks for this brain damaged idea. Well okay, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Went pullups ub on the first round. Then something like 20+5+5, and 15 plus something ontä the next ones. Pretty good pace anyway. Pistols were surprisingly smooth. And I didn't have any Time for warmup before this

4 rounds of:
1.000m row
30 wall ball

Clock was not running but the main idea was to pace myself on the rowing. It was somewhere around 1:55-1:58 on the concept2, and then hit the wall ball unbroken each round. 

1. E2mom x 20min
3 hang squat clean @ 90kg
Total 10 sets

2. Wod, 5 rounds of:
20 reverse lunges
15 squats @ 25kg db front rack
15 push-ups
Wear a vest @ 9kg

Great to have heavier cleans for a while. Went quite smoothly on those for the entire 10 sets of triples. I took one single 100kg clean before these. The latter piece really bit my legs

Squat proge


Some squats to build up on my squat progression. 

Monday 13th April

For 5 rounds of:
400m run
15 hspu

Went unbroken on these except the 4th round where it was 13+2 reps

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarantine crossfit

The world has change quite a bit in the past weeks / months as we know it. Not much I can do about it but to stay home with the family, and let the virus fade away. It's been somewhat a hazzle to work at home with 3 little kids. Luckily my wife is still at home with the twins and doesn't have to work from home too.

The positive side is to get a chance to spend enormous amounts of time with family. To be able to go for a bike ride during lunch break with 3.5 year old, go for a stroll with the twins or the entire gang and head for a plauground. They are all possobilities I have trouble finding so much time on workdays because we have such a disciplined daily routine. Now I'm ebracing these moments. 

Plus I have found a rhythm where I can train pretty much every single day. There has been one rest day after staying home instead of office. Good solid couplets / triplets, some emoms and squat session. I am very happy that my home garage gym is well equipped and there's basically nothing I couldn't do here