Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thursday 1.1: Snatches, Interval training

Thursday. Hang squat snatches (max 65kg). Workout, 7rds of: 5 hang power clean (70kg), 10 bar-facing burpees, 20 cal row, 3min rest between intervals.

It went a bit late yesterday at the New Year's party at Toni's place so we slept late and let the body recover. Huge breakfast of Californian style omelets and berry smoothies to kickstart the day. Then I just enjoyed some 2010 Crossfit Games from the archives, and slept for 2 more hours for a nap. Late in the afternoon I drove to the gym and was sure to find no one working out. To my surprise there were two 50-year old mammas starting the year off with the right mood.


  • Hang squat snatch
  • 3x40, 3x45, 3x50, 1x55, 1x60, 1x62.5, 1x65 failed, 1x65kg

This will be something I'd like to see myself putting more effort in the upcoming year. The reason is that today my mobility is on the level it allows me to go to these positions that used to be impossible. Squat snatch was something beyond dreams one year ago so something has been done correctly along the path.


Today I built up by feeling. Took couple of triples in the beginning, actually starting from 20 and 30kg bars. I did about half an hour of mobility before touching the barbell for the first time. This would be a good key to happiness but life has its twists. Simply put, I don't have that much time every day so I need to cut it to about 20 minutes. That's the least I'm gonna do for warm-up because good warm-up is definitely the best tool to prevent injuries. Today I played around with resistance band and pvc pipe so long that my joints were loosened up very well. It felt very good to hang around in the bottom position and have the pipe overhead. I did some sotts presses in the rock bottom position. Good times.


These snatches were taken from high hang position at the hips. Coach Burgener seems to teach people to start at these positions when you're a rookie (which I consider myself to be on this move) so I've done these lately on those occasions when I've been snatching. Took triples up to 50kg, and from then on simply singles. My focus was hitting it to the bottom position in the same way as in squat cleans. I'd like to see myself hit the bottom in the same way, very naturally bounce it back up from the ass-to-grass position. My squat snatches have rarely been below parallel in the past but now I'm getting to the level where I need to be. Obviously there's enormous amount of work to be done but there's a lifetime to practice this =) I'm happy on the progress being made. I don't think I've ever hit 60kg for a hang squat snatch so we could as well call these heaviest lifts as PR's.



  • 7 rounds of:
  • 5 hang power clean, 70kg
  • 10 bar-facing burpees
  • 20 cal row
  • 3min rest between intervals
  • Time, 1.43, 1.37, 1.33, 1.33, 1.36, 1.36, 1.35

This was similar style interval workout as the thruster / double under combination just yesterday. Different movements, different time domain but the idea is the same. Go all out for a while, then rest, and repeat. This was a modification from Pat Sherwood who posted something like this at his Instagram page, awesome stuff!

Even though this was a scaled version it was bad ass. Can't imagine how it would have been for the rx'd version, which was 84kg cleans and 30 cal rows, otherwise the same. I wanted to being able to knock everything unbroken and go full throttle so these numbers suited well for me. And it got ugly towards the end. First round was okay, I even thought about scaling it upwards. On the second one I understood there's no need for that =) Third one was a misery but I still got my time quicker. Fourth was a nightmare already and I just tried to grind through. Luckily got the same time on that round still.


The last 3 rounds were the toughest physically. Cleans were the easiest part of it. On the last burpees my legs started to get really warm and they were destroyed on the rower. Breathing was heavy on the rowing, it felt really nasty in the guts too. Mentally the last 2 rounds were maybe easier because the light was shining at the end of the tunnel. Got to say I was very delighted to finish the 7th round. This was a very good session to start year 2015!

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