Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday 6.7: Run, Turkish get-ups, Medball cleans + Handstand

Sunday. AM: Metcon, 3 rounds of: 800m run, 10 TGU (12kg kb), 20 medball cleans. PM: Handstand skills.

Sun's out, guns out. Summer is here! Hopefully to stay for a while. It's been a cold summer this far so we're enjoying every bit of it! I definitely love working outdoors, there's something different than crawling in to a windowless cave and move a barbell. I need to get that in my system too, otherwise I feel I'm missing something. I need and want to work all aspects of fitness. General physical preparedness. That's called crossfit.

  • 3 rounds of:
  • 800m run
  • 10 turkish get-ups, 12kg kettlebell (5/5 per side)
  • 20 medball squat cleans, 9kg
My lower body has done some work lately and I felt it in my body. On the other hand my triceps still hurt from Thursday's 100 rep S2O workout. It's gotten worse by the day =) But I'm sensing tomorrow they'll be good already. So I was thinking for a while what to do today. Running - a weakness of mine - is never a bad choice. And once we had Pauliina's kettlebell with us, I decided to incorporate that to my workout in the form of turkish get-ups. I don't do it that often and the weight seemed to suit well to me. There was also a new fresh movement: medball cleans.

After brainstorming it for a while it turned out to be a 3-rounder of 800m running, 5 right hand tgu's and then 5 left hand tgu's, finishing it with 20 med ball squat cleans. Looks easy on paper but I'm telling you I was done after this one!

On the running I was able to keep up a steady pace. That's always mind comforting to realize you're not slowing down every round. Running got to my breathing for sure, other than that it felt surprisingly good. This was a run in the near park, not in a track, and the distance is not exact.

Those turkish get-ups are a rarity in my training sessions. Today I figured to give it a shot. I'm very slow on those. Or at least I think I am 'cause I haven't seen anyone else do them. At least not live. Had 12kg kettlebell in one arm, did 5 right hand reps first, then 5 on left hand. They were surprisingly nasty towards the end. It's light weight, I'm having hard time to believe it got to my shoulders =)

Medball cleans were something I haven't tried ever before. Probably because I haven't had a wall ball before. Well, now that problem is solved! Anyway, only 9kg ball but they got to the legs pretty darned well! Last 5 reps were painful in each set.

It was great training outdoors second day in a row. I tried to do various kinds of workouts that are impossible to go for in the gym. And I believe I managed very well! Awesome workouts, all three metcons.

Metcon recap

  • Handstand
  • Headstand
After we came back home I saw the sunny backyard from our balcony and was tempted to take my shirt off and, warm up my shoulders and legs, then hit it outdoors for some handstand and headstand training.

I practiced handstand, handstand walk and headstand. They went pretty good. Started with still handstand training. In my mental training it was supposed to be still pose but it turned out that I had to make a lot of corrective moves. But that's the way it is nowadays. Handstand is a skill that needs to be maintained constantly. This summer I haven't been doing it that much. Took the first steps last spring / summer, before that the skills were practically non-existing. Now it's getting somewhere.

Handstand recap

This summer has been a rainy one and it hasn't been that tempting to go outdoors to practice on a wet ground. In the end I took some headstand just for the fun of it. That's a skill I feel like there's no problems at all, I'm very comfy in that position.

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