Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday 19.12: Back squat, snatch/du metcon

Wednesday. Back squat 3-3-3-3-1 (max 130kg). Metcon of double unders and snatches. Time 12.39.

Today I woke up, ate breakfast, did my morning preparations, put on my training clothes and was ready to hit the road. Just a last look at the clock: 2.30, hmm... Okay, back to bed, this wakening was a mystery. Another try at 6.00 and this time I actually left home to train hard. Schedule stood back squats and a metcon. Toni was there with me to do a metcon from the main site a couple of days ago.

Got a christmas present from my team at work, awesome!!!

Strength. Back squats 3-3-3-3-1 (100, 110, 120, 125, 130kg). I wanted to reach my max today and I got it. I was also trying 132.5kg, however today was not the day to make personal records, just a tied record. I consider this day victorious, squatting felt good and I reached good weights. I was able to compensate Monday's hasty training day.

Back squat, 130kg

Metcon. Time 12.39.
  • 100-80-60-40-20 double unders
  • 2-4-6-8-10 snatches, 40kg
Total of 300 DUs and 30 snatches with pretty much my max load, good and exhausting workout! On the first round I took 100 doubles and then 2 snatches, second round 80 DUs and 4 snatches. For doubles I went 100 to 20 down by 20's and for snatches 2 to 10 up by 2's each round. Yesterday I took 100 doubles in a row just to prove myself I can do it. Today, there was no point trying to go unbroken because that would have gassed me already for starters. I took the first 100 reps in 50 + 35 + 20 sets. Then 2 snatches and back to action with the doubles. After completing 180 doubles in short time did its purpose. My shoulders and arms were screaming for a break. However, there was no break in sight. Do 4 snatches and go back to doubles.


This rhythm continued for over 12 minutes and as the amount of double unders decreased the number of snatches increased. Take into consideration that 40kg is almost my max load. I have once lifted something over but usually I'm lifting exactly this amount of weigths. So completing 30 reps with max load with increasing amount of reps really made it tough for me. Rounds of 2 and 4 snatches went well, on the 6 reps I did them 3 + 3, round of 8 in 4+4 and the last round of 10 reps in 4+3+3.

It was encouraging to see that my endurance was good and my breathing was no issue in this workout even though this was a metcon to say the least. Both of the movements normally make a heart bounce back and forth but I'm sure I've developed greatly in this sense. I believe that has been my strength all the way from the beginning anyway. It was only the lasck of strength in my upper body that made this metcon last for a while. I think this was a very good exercise to strengthen my upper body strength. First heavy back squats and this in addition, awesome training day!

In the evening I had floorball training for 2h.

Toni's workouts. Technique: kipping pull-ups and handstand push-ups. Workout of the day, time 6.04.
  • 5 rounds of
  • 5 squats, 75kg (70% of max)
  • 10 burpees

Toni's workout

As I think back a few months when Toni started crossfitting, he used to do this type of workouts often: 5 reps of one strength movement and 10 burpees for 5 rounds. That was a classic for him. Remembering how his burpees looked back then, today's burpees were awesome. It used to be some sort of crawling in to the push-up position and back but nowadays Toni has found a way to complete reps with style.


  1. I'm still laughing as I think last night! The feeling I had when I realized that you're actually eating and wearing your clothes on at the middle of a night :D I think I was a little bit annoyed then "please, can we sleep?!" hahah, you're just a little bit goofy hun

  2. This was very food and fast workout. I did all the sets unbroken (that was my goal). My burbees were faster than ever but now looking that video I can say that my squats were not perfect.

    After the workout I was very exhausted but now in the morning my body is recovered and ready for todays action. My new plan is to do just 2-3 strenght workouts in a week. Monday I did frontsquats and today I'm going after clean & jerk. After that maybe 2k rowing.

  3. Yeah food workout :) That "in the middle of night wakening" is still a mystery but I managed to get a grip of life and complete a good workout and lift heavy weights
