Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday 19.12: Back squats, ring dip metcon

Thursday. Back squat triples (max 130kg). Metcon, 7rds of: 1 squat clean (80kg), 2 front squats (80kg), 10 ring dips, 10 t2b. Time 12.30.

After 2 consecutive rest days I had no other possibilities but to squat. Triples it was. My choice on the metcon was different in nature: heavy-ish barbell and bodyweight stuff. It turned out to be quite a good one indeed.


Strength. Back squats 3-3-3-3-2 (120, 125, 130, 130, 130kg). I was looking the squats to be lighter because of the rest time the last two days. However, the barbell felt heavy all the way. I was still able to carry the weight pretty well and that pleased me a lot. I was able to do 2 sets of triples @ 130kg and 2 reps on the last set. The last reps on the sets were very tough and that brought me even more delight that the bar came up each and every time.

Metcon. Time 12.30
  • 7 rounds of:
  • 1 squat clean, 80kg
  • 2 front squats, 80kg
  • 10 ring dips
  • 10 toes-to-bar
I wanted to mix it up a little and threw 80kg clean / front squats in there together with ring dips and t2b's. First I was thinking about putting 15 t2b's but it was a good call to stay at 10 reps in order to get it unbroken. And that was a good call.

I wanted to add enough weight on the barbell so it wouldn't be too light. So that I would have to concentrate in lifting heavy even though my muscles would be fatigued. I have nothing bad thing to be said about this metcon, it worked to its purpose very well. Those ring dips turned out to be the most muscle-burner movement of these. Clean and front squats weren't that bad. The weight on the barbell was great, not too light, not too heavy. I got it up every time as planned but needed to stop and concentrate before the lift.

Ring dips were unbroken for 4 rounds, and the rest of the rounds were something like 6-7 on the first attempt and then the rest. T2b's were unbroken except for the last round. The 6th round was a battle on them but I got them ub. On the last round I needed to stop just before the end, then continue to finish it all.