Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday 5.2: Deadlift & bench press metcon

Tuesday. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 deadlift (120kg) and bench press (60kg). Time 11.05

Today I was at the gym by myself. Toni did Chief in the morning and my bro maxed out his current back squat PR to 150kg (2 reps), congrats! Pauliina had to work and there were no other souls at the gym. No problem, I put my iPad on and concentrated in deadlifts and bench press.

Workout. Time 11.05

  • 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
  • Deadlift, 120kg
  • Bench press, 60kg

My goal today was to do deadlifts and bench with approximately 70% of 1RM. The goal was to do high rep workout without stressing that much about time. I put the clock running in order to avoid extra breaks but the focus was purely on doing the movements unbroken from the beginning till the end. I've done this type of workout with different rep sets (10-8-6-4-2) 15th October and 5th December. Today I wanted to add the number of reps but still keep the weights same. Previously there's been a total of 30 reps, today it was 55 each movement.

Rounds of 10, 9 & 8

I liked it a lot. Bench press is something I don't do that often even though there would be benefits of doing it regularly. There's just so many other things to practice that I don't think this is comes first on my priority list.

With deadlift I want to add the number of reps in my training. Currently I can lift 170kg and I'm sure it's not the max. However, my technique is not perfect and I want to keep on training on that one with lighter weights as today's workout. There's still plenty to do with my form. I have troubles in generating power from my legs.

My plan worked well in this one and I managed to do all 110 reps unbroken throughout the workout. Tomorrow I'll probably focus on training mainly with my own bodyweight.

Cashout. My chest-to-bars are not perfect, they are the highest pull-ups possible for me, they are close.

  • 3 rounds of
  • 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • 5 ring dips

Toni's workout. Chief. Compare to yesterday's workout.

  • 3min amrap of
  • 3 cleans, 60kg
  • 6 push-ups
  • 9 squats
  • Rest 1min. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.

Toni's results. Total of 63 cleans, 126 push-ups and 189 squats.

  • 1st cycle: 5 rounds
  • 2nd cycle: 4 rounds
  • 3rd cycle: 4 rounds
  • 4th cycle: 4 rounds
  • 5th cycle: 4 rounds


  1. We also did Pilates in the evening with Pauliina for butt and abs. That was rough! =) Still, very recommendable stuff

  2. This was once again one of the toughest workouts I've done. I'm actually very pleased about my result. I was to able to keep a steady pace during the metcon. I'm definitely doing this kind of workouts more often. Tomorrow I'm going to do some strenght training and a metcon with my own body weight

  3. That Pilates workout was so tough! It was nice to see you sweat with something like this ;) we have to do this every once in a while :)
