Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday 17.4: Clean EMOM + HSPU

Wednesday. Morning: EMOM for 12min, 4 x hang squat cleans, 60-70kg. DB Grace (2x15kg), time 1.36. Evening: handstand push-ups and headstand.

Plan was to do one workout in the morning, focusing on heavy hang cleans. In the evening Pauliina got an idea to go and workout together so I joined and concentrated in handstand push-ups and headstand. Toni did another long metcon in the morning.


  • Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes
  • 4 hang squat cleans, 60-70kg

Complete 4 reps in the beginning of each minute, rest the remaining time of the minute and repeat for a total of 12 rounds. I started with 70kg and my goal was to do the whole set with same weights. Managed to do so for 6 total rounds. On the 7th minute I got 2 reps, tried the third twice but couldn't get it up. From then on I took 10kg off the barbell and finished it with 60kg. The difference was huge. It wasn't that bad to clean 60kg.

Can't deny that I love cleans. I have added the training of them and especially taken from hang position as well as squat cleans. I believe these two elements have increased my upper back strength and technique has definitely improved as well. This was a cool workout. Even though it's purely one strength movement, it makes heart bounce after a few rounds. You still have time to recover before the start of next round. I recommend this one!

Db Grace. Time 1.36

  • 30 clean & jerk, 2x15kg dumbbells

After couple of minutes I decided to do a mini-Grace. I took 15kg dumbbells and completed 30 reps of clean & jerk with them. The weight wasn't heavy and intentionally so. Didn't want to go all in, more like a cashout type of training. It would be cool to do this with heavy weights because doing Grace with dumbbells has probably totally different character compared to regular Grace, which is done with 60kg barbell.

HSPU + headstand.

  • 4 x 7 hspu
  • 3 x handstand hold
  • 3 plank hold

In the evening we walked to the nearby gym in order to give Pauliina the possibility to train. I utilized the chance to do inverted training. After cycling and rowing I took some handstand holds against a wall, then continued to do 4 sets of handstand push-ups. On the first round I did 7 strict reps, that was the highest number ever with strict hspu. My max is 8 reps unbroken but those have mainly been kipping. I was very pleased to complete 7 strict hspu.

Handstand push-ups

I did 7 reps each round but the number of strict and kipping varied. First round 7 strict, second round 3 strict, third round 4 strict, last round all kipping. You find the videos on Youtube. Then I did 3 sets of headstand practice, searching for stable inverted hold. I believe I managed quite well. Then to finish it all, we did 3 plank hold sessions with Pauliina.


Toni's workouts. 18.06

  • 5 rounds of:
  • 500m row
  • 10 box, 61cm
  • 10 front squats, 30kg

Not sure if it was like this, the number of boxes and squats may have been something else. I believe Toni's time was 18.06, correct me if I'm wrong Pony!

1 comment:

  1. 4 rounds and 15 box, 500 m row and 10 front squat. This was a killer. My shirt was extremely wet after the workout. This has been a good week. Long metcons every day and tomorrow I will have a rest day.
