Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday 4.6: Elizabeth with a twist

Wednesday. Benchmark workout Elizabeth with a twist. 21-15-9, hang power clean, (60kg), ring dip. Time 8.00.

I was working today later than normally and thus got a chance to go and hit a workout in the early afternoon. I'm still a bit hesitant to go hard because of that hip flexor issue I had during the weekend. I'll eat some pills for about a week but now I'm thinking about adding volume to training and getting back on track. Today I had a barbell in my hands and completed a benchmark workout Elizabeth - a great workout - with a little modification to the heavier side.

Helsinki by day

Elizabeth. Time 8.00

  • 21-15-9 of:
  • Hang power cleans, 60kg
  • Ring dips

Regularly those cleans are taken from ground but somehow I reckoned this might be easier on lower body. Don't know but it felt great! I like Elizabeth, no doubt about it. I could have gassed faster but I'm adding pace carefully. My fastest time on Elizabeth in the classic style is 6.08 so there was room for cutting the rest times, even though they were hang power cleans.

Cleans went 7+7+4+3 on the first round, then 3x5 on the round of 15's and finally the last round was 5+2+2. Ring dips were according to plan from the beginning. Starting with 3 sets of 7 reps, then 3 sets of 5 reps and final round was unbroken. I've had some troubles with ring dips in metcons earlier so I tried not to gas myself out in the beginning. As I look at the video I could have gone faster with both movements.


Anyway, I had about half an hour to complete my training session and this seemed like a perfect way to conduct it. I liked the session a lot and I'm very happy both movements felt lighter than I expected.

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