Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday 15.10: Deads, Hspu, Jerk, Box

Thursday. Metcon, 7min amrap, 2-2-4-4-6-6… of: deads (100kg), hspu. Result, 90 reps. Metcon, 7min amrap, 2-2-4-4-6-6… of: jerk (40kg), box jump overs. Result, 118 reps.

Damned my body felt the past week of training today. It hurt basically everywhere. But my arms / triceps were really smashed. Today didn't include any strength portion as such but there were two metcons, different elements but the ideology was identical. Good ones.

Metcon. Result, 90 reps (round of 12's + 6 deads)
  • 7min amrap
  • 2-2-4-4-6-6… of:
  • Deadlift, 100kg
  • Handstand push-up
This was a good preparation for benchmark workout Diane. Same movements but the movement pattern is different, that is 21-15-9. It was kind of sick that hspu's were easier for me this time. Probably would have been the other way around but my back was lit up pretty early on which made it challenging to pull. It didn't feel heavy at all but that lower back was just all out on fire. It didn't feel good to pull from the ground.

Had to break the deads at some point but hspu's went unbroken up to the round of 10's. The last full round (12's) was 8-4. They were surprisingly easy to complete. I thought hspu's would have become an issue at some point but that was not the case. Had to walk around the gym and stretch out my back before I was able to think about the next workout. My plan was to hit the same wod that mr. Froning did one day. It would have been 70kg power cleans and pistol squats in the same format, ascending ladder for 7min.

Metcon. Result, 118 reps (round of 14's + 6 jerk)
  • 7min amrap
  • 2-2-4-4-6-6… of:
  • Push jerk, 40kg
  • Box jump overs
So this was created on the spot. I thought about what would not create that much pressure in the lower back. While I was doing my brainstorming back started to feel okay again. Still, I didn't wanna risk anything so the two elements turned out to be light push jerks and box jumps in a bit different style. The point was to jump on top of the box, then drop down to the other side of the box. That constitutes one rep.

Because the barbell was light, I was able to move faster throughout the workout. The bar was this light because my triceps were sore as hell for the entire day. On this workout the loading was right on the spot.

I was able to move all the time, and completed the repetitions unbroken, each round. Same with the box jumps. My strategy on this kind of box jumps is to drop down sideways and bounce right back on top of the box. Makes it effective for me.

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