Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday 7.10: Clean, Front squat, Metcon

Wednesday. Emom x 10min: 3-position clean @ 70kg. Front squat 4x4 (up to 115kg). Metcon, 14min amrap of: 7 front squat, 30 du, 12 burpee. Result, 283 reps.

Morning workout. This time it was alright! Not as unpleasant as in the past couple of sessions. I mean exactly these early morning sessions which are not my favorites as it feels like my body hasn't waken up yet. For some reason today it was all good from the moment I woke up. The weather is much more cool nowadays and it takes more time to get warmed up even though I'm training indoors.


  • Every minute on the minute x 10 minutes
  • 3-position clean (high hang, hang, ground)
  • Barbell at 70kg
It's been time since doing 3-position cleans. Today it was done in emom style at 70kg barbell. Bar itself wasn't heavy but I played it safe because it was one set per minute, and the main focus was to work on these different positions, and hone on the technique.

Legs still burned somewhat on these cleans. The most difficult one of these is the high hang version. It would be easier to lean forward but the point is naturally not to. Ideally, this would be as close to tall clean but that's not what I was looking for. But high hang definitely. Second rep was hang clean which meant it was pulled from above the knee. Third rep from the ground. And all reps were squat cleans to get the legs well activated.

Cleans and squats


  • Front squat 4x4 (100, 105, 110, 115kg)

It was awesome to do front squats after a break. There's been a lot of back squats in the past month or two so front squats were warmly welcomed! I kept them light anyway and took 'em up to only 115 kilos. Focused on doing them as quickly as possible with as little rest on top as possible. Elbows up is naturally always the key in this movement.


Metcon. Result, 283 reps (5rds + 1 burpee)

  • 14min amrap of:
  • 7 front squat, 60kg
  • 30 double under
  • 12 burpee

This frightened me a bit beforehand. I thought front squats would start to burn my lower back as it has been so tight lately but luckily weekend in Berlin made good and there was no muscle pain at all. Also double unders have not rolled lately as I'm used to.

However, I performed well on each movement. Front squats were good on the legs. Shoulders were on test on du's and burpees, and didn't get rest on the front squats either so actually those also went numb after squats.

Double unders went unbroken which is freaking awesome! Those felt very natural and had no issues with them at all. Felt like I was one with the jump rope hehe. On the burpees it's important to pace yourself. No point in rushing them as fast as possible but it's also important to keep going even though it feels bad. It won't help to stop so drop chest to deck and keep moving.

Round times were on average around 2:30. Even though this was a 14min amrap, I still finished the 6th round at 14.28. Took a while to get my heart beat down so it was easy to breath again.

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