Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday 14.1: Ring mu's, snatch, clean, metcon

Tuesday. Skills, ring muscle-ups. Snatch 10x2. Power cleans, 4 rds of: 30sec on, 90sec off. Metcon, 8min amrap of: 8 db snatch, left hand (22.5kg), 8 pull-ups, 8 db snatch, right hand (22.5kg), 8t2b. Result 4rds + 8 snatch (136 reps)

Today's main focus was on snatches. I had my full concentration on them. For starters I took some ring mu's as skills training, then 10 sets of squat snatches. Then I took a workout, kind of benchmark stuff, max effort of power cleans in short intervals. That burnt my forearms and the metcon was thus a painful experience.

Got my new Rogue shorts in the mail today!

  • Ring rows to transition
  • Ring muscle-ups
I believe it's important to work on that transition stage of the ring muscle-ups. I've decided to do some of them always before trying actual muscle-ups. Today I worked on the transition for some time, then did 2 mu's on rings. The number of my reps is low but I'm happy I'm able to do them anyway! Some day I realize I can do lots of them but until then I'm happy for every single one I can handle.

  • Squat snatch 10x2
  • Weights 40, 45, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50kg
I've had some issues with training my squat snatches. I'm way better in power cleans but lately I've been progressing with squat versions too. My focus today was on the bar path and on the stance in the landing position. I think my legs moved from their original place during the pulls because I was not able to hit my ass to grass. It was about 90 degrees. Some reps were above and some below parallel. There were some okay reps and some of them were clearly power snatches. Got to work more on my snatches. Keep on working man.

Workout. Power cleans
  • 4 rounds of:
  • 30 sec on, 90sec off, max effort power cleans, 60kg
  • Result 13, 12, 10, 10 reps
This type of workout can be applied to other movements as well. Clean, clean & jerks, snatches, presses, jerks. This was a good test! It burnt my forearms for sure. They were of no use after the workout. On the first round I got 13 unbroken reps. The next one was 12 reps and 10 reps on the last 2 rounds. The last 2 rounds caused some numbness on my forearms, it actually didn't feel nice at all. On the last reps it felt like I'm loosing my grip totally. That's why I had to knee more than regularly on power cleans.

It must be quite an experience doing this with clean & jerks. Got to try some day. I'm pretty happy on the results. I'm just wondering how the toughest bad asses can nail Grace (30 clean & jerks @ 60kg) in less than 90 seconds…

Metcon. Result 4 rounds + 8 db snatch (136 reps)
  • 8min amrap of:
  • 8 dumbbell snatch, left hand, 22.5kg
  • 8 pull-ups
  • 8 dumbbell snatch, right hand, 22.5kg
  • 8 toes-to-bar
As you can probably understand this requires a lot from grip strength. You have to hold on to some sort of bar at all given moments. Snatches, pull-ups and t2b's all means you have to have a strong hold all the time. That's why this workout turned out to be a killer in its nature. I should have thought something in between in order to being able to keep body moving constantly. Now I had to give some rest on my forearms at times.

I did 4 full rounds and 8 db snatches with left hand. There was 2 seconds left on the clock so my result was 136 reps. I don't remember a time when 8 pull-ups on the first round would have felt this hard =) It felt like my left hand was loosing it on the pull-ups because I had just finished snatches with that hand. Well at least I got to do work so I'll have to stay positive on the metcon too.

Last part of "Behind the Games 2013"

It was a great training session. Ring muscle-ups, 50kg squat snatches, power clean test and a short metcon. Felt good! And I got my new shorts from Rogue. Toni ordered similar ones with red text. I think I'm addicted to Rogue's stuff.

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