Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday 27.5: Snatch, Clean and jerk, Ghd, Sled pull

Wednesday. Every 45sec: perform 1 squat snatch for 20min. Emom x 10min: 2 c&j (70-82kg). Metcon, 8 rds of: 5 c&j (60kg), 15 ghd's. Time, 12.28. Sled pull, seated.

Had lots of time to be spent at the gym so I took advantage of this rare moment big time. Started off with snatches, working on that technique with emom type training. Then hit it about the same way for clean and jerks. That was awesome too. Metcon consisted of c&j's too which is something I should have there more often. The last part was inspired by last year's Crossfit Games where they had similar strongman type movement, combined with deficit hspu's.


  • Every 45 seconds: perform 1 squat snatch (40-60kg)

This was a great way to get more reps under my belt on snatches. And the focus was on getting below parallel. I have traditionally been quite hasty on getting the barbell off the ground so I tried to get it slower from the ground. One more thing I was putting effort was not to bounce from the bottom but stay there for a while in the receiving position.

My mobility isn't where I want it to be on the snatch so this is important stuff for me. The jumps on weights were 40-45-50-52-55-57-60kg. It was mostly something like 3 minutes per weight. I thought I was doing work for about 20 minutes but then in the end it was something like 22-23 minutes.

Snatch recap

Clean and jerk.

  • Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes
  • 2 clean and jerks
  • 1-2min: 70kg
  • 3-4min: 75kg
  • 5-6min: 77kg
  • 7-8min: 80kg
  • 9-10min: 82kg

This was somehow freaking awesome. Clean and jerks have been missing lately. At least that's my first gut feeling. So I did doubles every minute. And these were not just normal clean and jerks. The rule was not to stop at the front rack position. I was supposed to jerk the barbell overhead with one continuous movement. And I got them done as planned. This was great news because I have not done c&j's this way over 70kg. At least not over 75kg, that's guaranteed.

So going all the way to 82 kilos was big news for me. I did the first sets unbroken but then starting at 75kg it was quick singles. There is not a single thing I would look back and thing I would have liked to do any other way. This left me with a smile on my face.

Clean and jerk emom

Metcon. Time, 12.28

  • 8 rounds of:
  • 5 clean and jerk, 60kg
  • 15 ghd sit-ups

I had decided to do c&j's at 60 kilos for a metcon for a couplet but the pair had not been precisely written down. There were couple of options, and ghd's were one of them from the very beginning. So it was 12 min amrap of 5 c&j's and 15 ghd's. At 12 minutes my last set of ghd sit-ups were ongoing so I decided to finish them, and the clock finally stood at 12.28 after performing the 120th ghd. On the video below you'll only see the clean and jerks, sorry for not capturing the ghd's on the clip (plus not editing those parts I wasn't performing on the platform).

Jerks felt good and doing just 5 reps at a time was something I was able to do unbroken each round. Had there been something closer to 10 reps it would have brought issues. Ghd's were unbroken too, and the round times were quite solid, it was about 90 seconds per round. Not big differences between rounds.



  • Sled pull, seated, for 4x20m

At this stage I was pretty much done but after walking around the gym for a while, I saw the rope laying on the floor and it reminded me of one of the coaches talking good things about pulling the sled with a rope, seating on the ground. The load was light this time, I just wanted to get my hands on this thing for the first time. I had 25kg plate for half of the time, and 25+15kg's for the latter part.

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