Sunday, June 14, 2020

Monday 8.6: Loredo

Monday. Benchmark workout Loredo. Time, 20.10 (PR)

My lower body felt stiff as f*ck entering this week. Well, maybe entire body was somehow in off-mode, and definitely not ready for a workout. I went outdoors with the twins, kicked some football with my wife at the same time, and started to get my joints feeling better and better. Still, first air squats felt like I had a weight vest on.

Loredo. Time, 20.10 (PR)
  • 6 rounds of:
  • 24 air squats
  • 24 push-ups
  • 24 lunges
  • 400m run
I saw Toni post a teaser in Instagram that he's about to hit this one in the near future so maybe that had stayed ringing in my head and this morning it felt like an okay idea. I just started moving and decided to see what happens. First round of bodyweight movements felt a bit stiff but after coming from the first run and entering second round od bodyweight stuff the feeling was much different.

I went unbroken on squats, push-ups and lunges without having to slow down at any point. Same with running. This workout felt like I was the captain all along. I remember having to pause those bw elements occasionally before but this time those were not an issue. Felt great about it. That run is quite precisely 400 meters but there's some incline on the road so that makes the return part of the run feel like I'm running uphill. Even though it's not that radical elevation for sure.

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