Saturday, June 20, 2020

Wednesday 17.6: Bench, row

Wednesday. Bench press 7x3 @ 85kg. Amrap 12min: 300m row, 6 bench @ 70kg. Result, 6 rounds + 80m.

Bench day. This have mysteriously increased lately. Still not my favorite but I need to move the barbell and it's difficult to do pretty much anything without bringing some tension in (lower) back. So let's do some upper body stuff for a while, and get back to squatting once it's okay to squat.

  • Bench press 7x3 @ 85kg
I've done a little progression to build to heavier presses. Today's focus was @ 85kg. Didn't which one sounded more realistic. Triples or 4's. It ended to be triples. Total of 7 sets. These got heavy at some point.

Amrap 12. Result, 6 rounds + 80 meters row
  • 300m row
  • 6 bench press @ 70kg
I already had a greatly warmed up places and joints so I didn't need myc break between the two  elements. The distance on the concept2 seemed like a perfect one so that you can pull it a lot harder than normally. Benches turned out to be perfect weighed as well.

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