Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday 15.4: Clean and jerk, metcon

Monday. Strength, 10x3 clean & jerk (across 70kg). Metcon, 7rds of: 5 deads (125kg), 15 push-ups, 8 t2b, 15 box.

I started the week with a little easier session. Toni tried to talk me into going for DT but that would have been third hero workout in three days and that's simply too much to handle. My body felt fine for the most parts. Some left knee issues have been bothering me for about 2 days now but other than that I'm feeling like rather normal, even though I don't remember when my last recovery day was. Took some semi-heavy c&j's and then some deads and bodyweight in the end.

  • Clean & jerk 10x3 @ 70kg

I needed to get some weight overhead. The bar was not loaded to be heavy, just 70kg. Took 10 sets at the same weight, there was about one minute break between the sets. I had a clock running there but didn't mind about it that much. Just took the bar up when it felt good. Wanted to get the reps done unbroken in touch'n'go style. So this was also some sort of technique training.

Neither of the movements brought too much burden on my muscles so it was a good lighter version of a workout for clean & jerks. Technique remained solid all the way in all sets. Happy with the form of the reps.

Workout. Not for time
  • 7 rounds of:
  • 5 deadlift, 125kg
  • 15 push-ups
  • 8 toes-to-bar
  • 15 box jumps, 61cm

Juuso was hitting hero workout McGhee - 30min amrap of: 5 deads, 13 push-ups, 9 box - so I tagged along after my clean & jerk sets. He was 10min in to the workout and 20min left to go. I didn't want to hit a tough metcon today so I followed this guy as he was doing the workout. After he had done deadlifts I grabbed the bar. Just basically followed him through the stations. It was easy-pace action compared to my regular metcons and simply perfect for today's purposes.

Deadlifts were light and all other bodyweight movements went unbroken. Push-ups started to become quite heavy but manageable. Could have had more t2b's but then again, I reminded myself that this is just a little something for fun. Don't take it too seriously, just complete some reps here and there, and enjoy the moment.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, my lower body is smashed from yesterday's squats / kb swings! Hamstrings, quads and butt cheeks are so sore… Got to use the foam roll and lacrosse ball and focus on the soft tissues
