Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday 16.4: Ring skills, Snatch

Wednesday. Ring skills. Snatch 3x5 (across 50kg).

Easier day for sure. My hands got ripped yesterday so it wasn't the most pleasureful thing to hold on to barbell nor rings. I took it light by working on my muscle-ups and then some squat snatches. Got the sweat on, played around for a while and then headed home where Pauliina's parents had spent the day with her. Got a change to hang around with the whole bunch. Always a great time!

  • Ring muscle-ups
  • Kipping swings
My goal was to work on my weakness and try to nail consecutive reps on rings. My grip was quite weak though because it hurt a little just hanging there. I took singles instead of the original plan. After having done couple of reps I realized I've done about 25 muscle-ups in 3 days so I stopped there not to over burden my elbows too much.

In the end I practiced the swing on rings. It would be beneficial to take advantage of a fierce kipping motion on the muscle-ups to get several reps in a row. My lower body tends to slack on the movement as you saw on yesterday's training session.

Rich Froning, Ben Smith and Matt Hewett hitting a team wod: Grace + Isabel + 30 mu's

  • Squat snatch 5-5-5 (50kg)
It's awesome to have those big sized plates at the gym nowadays also for lighter weights. That enables me to pull from the ground already from 30kg and up. Before the lightest version was 50kg if I wanted to pull all the way from ground. This has already yielded in better squat snatch technique.

Today I took actually 5 sets of 5 reps. First sets were 30kg and 40kg, then I took 3x5 with 50kg. Below you'll see the first set of 5's. I didn't want to go too heavy. This Wednesday was intentionally lighter in nature. Some skills and technique, no strength nor metcons.

50kg snatches

I have some holiday ahead of me after tomorrow. Let's see what kind of training week it's gonna be like. During Easter we're spending some time with the in-laws, then probably some "two-a-day" training days might be ahead of me.

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