Sunday, June 21, 2015

Saturday 20.6: Sotts press, Deads, 30min emom

Saturday. Sotts press 5x5 (max 30kg). Deadlift, build up to a heavy 5-rep set (up to 180kg). Metcon, emom x 30min. 1st: 10m overhead walking lunges, 2nd: 10 burpee, 3rd: 10 box jump overs. Mobility.

Yesterday's midsummer party makes this weekend seem long as there was one extra day off of work. That's always good news hehe. People are usually at summer cottages at this time of the year and the city is quiet. It was awesome to spend time at friends' house and we made it back home after midnight. Slept late today and then I hit the gym sometime way after noon. No surprise the gym was also quite silent too.

From evening's recovery walk with my love

Sotts press.
  • Sotts press 5x5 (20, 22, 25, 27, 30kg)
This was not scheduled but it's been at the back of my head that this would definitely be a good tool for me to improve mobility. Don't know if it's wise to put as much load on the bar as possible or just take it light but today was anyway the first day I had something else than a pvc pipe or 20kg empty barbell on my back for sotts presses.

This position is a bit awkward to say the least. It's not as comfortable right now as I'd like it to be. Ideally the torso would be more upright and vertical in order to get good stability, and then it would also be possible to push bigger weights overhead in the squat position. Getting to that position comfortably would make a big difference on snatch, no doubt.

I was able to sit below parallel but going deeper than that would make the position away from ideal one so I stayed there. Some day I'd like to see myself sitting as low as possible. If I'm patient enough, that day will come.

These teens are machines

  • Deadlift, build up to a heavy 5-rep set (100, 130, 150, 160, 170, 180kg)
It's at least 3 weeks, maybe 4 weeks since I've pulled some serious weights. The reason is clear. I had some weird pain like my left rib was broken or something. The pain was real but only when doing deadlifts. Plus coughing, strange stuff… So I wasn't sure if it would be possible to do these pulls. Very happy the pain is gone and I felt strong on deads today! This should be part of weekly programming to have heavy barbell in my hands.

Because I hadn't had deadlifts in a while my plan was to do sets at around 150 kilos but it felt great and the hunger got bigger during the course of the session so I kept adding weight. Finally went for a pretty heavy set at 180kg. For a second or two I was thinking about maxing out for singles but then kept it rational in the end. These felt very good, great to pull after a long break!

Deads and presses

  • Every minute on the minute, for 30 minutes
  • 1st min: 10m overhead walking lunges, 40kg
  • 2nd min: 10 burpee
  • 3rd min: 10 box jump overs
There was maybe 2 persons at the gym so I had the grass matt all by myself. That meant lunges for sure. In the previous post I wrote my legs felt fine on the wall balls but I guess the impact of Thursday's lunges and Friday's massive amount of wall balls hit me a little bit late as my lower body was pretty tight and sore. Let's see how more lunges will make them feel like.

Metcon recap

Long emoms are somehow bad ass. In the beginning they feel much easier. The workout starts to feel a bit uncomfortable at about 15 minutes. And at 20 mins I notice recovery is becoming an issue. Don't have enough time to get the heart beat back down before next minute starts. So the nasty feeling is accumulating by the minute, and the last 10 minutes are a misery.

This was the case with each movement. Do just 10 burpees and it's like nothing. Or 10 box jumps, no biggie even though they would be jump overs. But continuing this same pattern for half and hour and it starts to become another case. I like the agony of these. Even though these feel tough mentally I feel like I could continue for much longer. Got to do everything unbroken and so the time spent on each stations remains identical each round.

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