Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday 13.7: Row, Jerk, Burpees

Monday. Wod, 3 rounds of: 500m row, 20 push jerk @ 60kg, 15 burpees. Time, 13.30

It was rather busy day. First day on a summer leave. We went to a mall in the Morning, then came home for a nap. Or daddy took a nap. That's a rarity but I'm happy the family allowed that to happen. After snack time we headed to Klaukkala's track and field to see a friend couple who also have to kids about the same age as ours. Third one on the way so it will be a blast to see all 6 kids play around sometime in the future. We did our tricks on the field, then headed to kids playground. In the evening it was daddy's own quality time in the form of a quick workout.

  • 3 rounds of:
  • 500m row
  • 20 push jerk @ 60kg
  • 15 burpees
I rowed somewhere around 1.50 - 1.55 all those rounds. First round was probably rather close to 1.50 / 500m pace. That was the easiest piece of this little bastard. Push jerks were inspired by a workout my friend Toni threw at me today. It was probably from Bergeron. Anyway, it was something like 20 push jerks, couple of Cindy rounds and then running. Very valid workout and worth doing but today was not the case for that for a couple of reasons. But those 20 push jerks turned up to this workout. I went 14+6 on those reps.

To finish the round it was a 15 burpee finisher. Not cool bro. But to be honest, it was a good combination of movements. Surprisingly, my legs got smashed on those jerks. I would think shoulders would fail first but it was burning quads that felt super nasty on those. And breathing was heavy of course in this kind of workout

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